Let's Play!

This topic is for finding people to play multiplayer games with.

Yes, I mentioned this a while ago. I only just now got around to making this topic.

Anyone playing Assassin’s Creed Brotherhood on PC?


If anyone wants to play CP with me, then PM me!

… I have an xbox one, my PC will not even play Minecraft anymore

I got like… a million games on steam and no one to play with.


If anyone has LackeyCCG, I have a MTG deck I’ve been wanting to test. PM me if interested!

I have Civ V, Minecraft, and Don’t Stave Together.

If anyone wants to play Planet Mormon I’m on there all day


In terms of internet-based multi-player I have Minecraft and…Minecraft…

Also, my computer is far from capable of operating any version of 1.8, so i’m stuck at 1.7.10 and below.

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Just in case anyone wants to see what games I got… Steam Community :: MaximumWarp.

I’ve played Minecraft and Realm of the Mad God.

That’s nice.


I’ve been playing Destiny on X1 with some people on here like @Mesonak and @Awesomenessborn
There’s a whole topic for it. If anyone else wants to join in, lemme know

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Yeah, anyone with an Xbox one is welcome to play with us. :smiley:

god you guys are making me want to re-install Destiny

Let’s see… I have Warframe, but I barely play that.

It’s weird, all the games I really like are single player.

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I have civ 5, so if anyone wants to play it, PM me I guess?