Lightning raider

So this MOC is part of my own game and story “Elamentals”. I won’t spend 10 paragraphs explaining elamental so I’ll just explain this set.
Its set in the year 2032,where the robots have started taking over but were interrupted by an outbreak of the " necroa virus", (yes its from plague inc) a virus with strong reanimativ capabilities(it makes zombies).

In this set, Luke Razor ™,the elamental of Energy(he can control kinetic,chemical,nuclear and gravitational energy) is saving a nameless survivor(we’ll call him Eljay for now) and raiding an illegal mining operation .

The figs are: Mining Bot v1, ADU(Advanced defense unit) ,Eljay (non-canon) and Luke Razor (aka my selfmoc).
Also includes a mining area, gold crystal and weapons!

Finally, here are some pictures of the Lightening raider itself! See if you can guess the functions without reading below!

The action features a rent actually that cool,im just really bad with system Lego so im super proud of them.
When the left track moves, the two HKC ( Hex kinetic launchers) fire off their studs simultaneously if loaded and also the fire at the back spine

Thanks for checking this mic out,let me know if you want to see more elamental build,most of it is system but I’ll warn you its 90%form and 10%function!


…it kinda looks like a Lego set…


If you’re trying to make a lego set you should not make the stud shooters fire automatically. Pretty nice otherwise.


This looks pretty dang official. Nice jawb.

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I love the tank or whatever it is.

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Correct me if I’m wrong, but is the raider a modified version of an Ultra Agents set? Also, one of the pics failed to upload, it came out as a garble of text.

No, the raider is, as far as im aware, 100% custom. I never got a single ultra agents set(but I really want them they’re so cool!)

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Oh, alrighty then. My mistake. Also, I didn’t mention this before but I like the terrain/mine build, it has a nice amount of detail and seems fairly well put together.

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Are the clear blue studs on the wing-structures above the tank treads supposed to be the extra ammunition that the lego group includes with their sets? Cause if so then that is pretty impressive. Also, I would recommend moving the stud shooters somewhere else, like towards the back, and putting some spinning blades or something in their place. That way, if a really little kid were to roll the tank around he/she wouldn’t lose all the studs. But anyways, really nice job with the function, I do like the idea of tank treads activating a gimmick. I hope you can take these ideas into account if you ever decide to modify your design.

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