Lime Green, Slime Green, the worst color I’ve ever seen.
O’ woe is me, and poor Hahli, as her arm breaks and comes free,
Snapped plastic on the floor, I can’t take this anymore.
O’ Hahli, Ehlek and Gorast, into the microwave you’re all amassed.
I’ve had enough of your infernal green, now relieved I observe the scene. Melting, Joints of lime. Melting slowly, into slime.
No longer shall they burden me, my MOC’s of green, are finally free.
But as I pace to my room, I hear a snap and over me comes a sudden gloom.
Under my foot, I dare not ask, but of course there, in pieces… Lewa’s Mata mask.
Well then you won’t like to hear that I made a character who’s main color scheme is lime…
Really he’s quite sub"lime"
(Yeah i just did that, i just did a rhyming pun )
I was just saying the first quote that came to mind when I thought of slime.
I’m not insulting anyone, honestly. I just got here, I don’t plan on making an [butt] of myself already.
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