I made this bug for you
I like how he looks and i hope you like it to
I moostly only used technic brick but i dit use a littek bit of bionicle
Sorry for the look of the foto i upload with the ipad
I made this bug for you
I like how he looks and i hope you like it to
I moostly only used technic brick but i dit use a littek bit of bionicle
Sorry for the look of the foto i upload with the ipad
With clickbait like that, you’d think you’re on Youtube! XD
It looks pretty cool, although I would switch out the silver bohrok eyes on the hind legs with for ones in white.
I now but i ran out of pesus
(Bad Engels)
I would probably get rid of the Bohrok eyes on the legs and leave it bare.
it’s a neat thing.
Did you take the pictures in the evening?
Edited Title to Remove Cllickbait - BioSquire
He’s pretty cute, I’ve gotta say!
Everything looks so nice together. Good work!
Literally a clickbait; this moc isn’t small at all.
I like the slope build but the limbs build is odd from some angles.
In the grand scale of things, like planets, and stars, and that kinda space stuff, it is on the little side…