Little Jimmy's First Big Boy Bike

Wanted to make another vehicle :slight_smile:


doesn’t look little to me
The bike could use a little more fleshing out, but the moc seems good.


I really like the colours, noice trike

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Thanks! Glad you like it.

@Rukah I get what you mean. I was wondering whether to add some black CCBS shells, especially towards the back, but he fits on the bike really well with it shaped as it is currently. I’m glad the moc seems good.

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to me it looks slightly strange.
though i probably couldn’t build anything better myself.
good job! 4/5

Ngl, “little” jimmy kind of looks like a miniature version of karzanhi. Nice build though, looks cool

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I guess as long as he can do that then it’s good.

Yay he looks so happy on his rocket powered death machine :smiley:

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@Enbeanie Is it the shape of it that looks strange?
Thanks! I’m glad you still think it’s 4/5.

@T4k4nuv4 Thanks, dude. I never thought of that! Is that because of the green and purple?

@Rukah I’m open to suggestions though, as long as I have the pieces. :slight_smile:

@Alucia :smiley: He zooms around bringing death to those who are cruel to animals.


I Like him even more now :slight_smile:

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Maybe you could add another pridak foot to the bottom if you have one.