Lloyd's Watercraft (Challenge: Summer)

Here’s a last minute entry if I ever saw one.

This little thing was built for @StarBreaker’s MOC spotlight challenge. I was running out of time so I quickly built this. Here’s some more angles:

and the back:

As you can see, there is a rudder. I have no idea how effective this would be if this was a real life vehicle. In fact, I’ve only called this “Lloyd’s Watercraft” because I have no idea what this would be called.

Oh, and did I mention it’s powered by the Storm Amulet? And it has weapon storage.

This is how he would enter, the spike things could flip up. There are also some antennas at the back for communication with the other ninja.

All the parts used to make this are from the set 71745 Lloyd’s Jungle Chopper Bike, except for this part:
I based this off a jet ski, but it clearly turned into its own thing. I got thinking about summer, and the big sail on the original set made me think of a sailboat, so I tried to make that. But that failed, so I turned it into this.
Have a great summer and discuss!


I like how the watercraft looks really like something from ninjago tv show
Great job :wink: