LOMN Matoran Colours

In this topic I want to look at the colour schemes of Matoran, and how they’ve changed throughout the development of the game Legend of Mata Nui.

Looking at screenshots of the alpha, there are inconsistencies in colours that need to be addressed.
Compare the blues here:

And the greens here:

It’s subtle, but one of the Mirus is slightly more teal to match Kongu (Who isn’t pictured).

Going through the game these were my best interpretations:

As a side note, I’m not sure why brown is underused in the game. Even the Po-Matoran use brighter yellows and reds.

With the exception of Onu-Koro (which I’ll get back to), each village follows a clear pattern: One primary Matoran, an additional foot colour, and 3 additional masks matching the Matoran and Turaga of that village. In combination, there is a total of 8 unique Matoran per village (plus Kapura), which are repeated when necessary. The only one I didn’t see in the game was a Ga-Matoran with a lime Rau and teal legs.

Perhaps the developers were initially limited to existing parts, but if they were, why don’t the Onu Matoran follow this pattern? In both builds we’ve seen, they instead use Onepu’s purple and black, simply switching out the mask. Interestingly, this 5 Matoran found their way into MNOG, which was in development at the same time. (Though the one with the Rau was cut).

My guess is that they were in the middle of revamping the villages, and simply prioritized the first level, seeing as it’s the most complete. By the Beta build, they cut the villagers down to essentials: the primary greeter, and a few generic ones for fetch quests. If development had continued, maybe we would have seen more of the MNOG Matoran integrated, or maybe they would simply be mask swaps of the Mctoran. It’s hard to say.

There is one clue that suggests an earlier iteration of Onu-Matoran, and that’s the GBA game: Quest for the Toa, which was also developed by Saffire. As can be seen in Joint Dogg’s spritesheet, Onu Matoran had a wider range of colours, including blue and orange.

Based on this, here is what I speculate the Onu Matoran may have looked like earlier in development:

Strangely, a completely different set of colour schemes can be seen in the ending cutscene, with generic villagers using the primary and secondary colours of their respective Toa and Turaga. (Though the Ga-Matoran seem to use a darker blue to differientiate themselves from Macku.) Looking closely, even the Kaukau is represented among the Po-Matoran. Maybe they would have a villager for each mask? That would bring the number closer to the dozen seen in MNOG 2, though it could be a coincidence.

In short, LOMN seems to use 3 distinct colour patterns: one using existing parts, one closer to MNOG with mask swapped Mctoran, and a third with generic villagers matching their respective Toa’s colours.


Well you’ve really gone the extra mile on this one. It’s a shame we never got masks in some of these colors, because the full '01 masks in dark blue would be a fantastic resource.


I really wish we could’ve gotten more recolors, not just with masks, but I think the feet would be great as well.


Saw this thread and wanted to chip in with these images from roborider1 on tumblr. Not an attempt to invalidate the work of this thread in any way, just a second perspective:

I’m really interested in the tertiary colors that these Matoran use, and the fact that all of the Onu-Matoran are identical in color scheme. Purple for Ta is super interesting, and I love the early versions of Le and Po we see.


This is very enlightening. Too bad we never got ahold of this gem.


I find it interesting that apparently the Ga-Matoran designs were an inspiration for the generic Ga-Matoran at the Kohlii match in MoL. I didn’t realize they reused the one design so much in Legend of Mata Nui.


Thank you for bringing this up! I appreciate the work they’ve put into this.

I should have mentioned earlier that these images were part of what inspired this post, in how nearly every matoran seemed to be built from actual parts. The few outliers look to me to be a result of strange lighting, or inconsistent colour values between characters. It’s hard to say for sure though.

Purple is a strange choice for fire, but I kind of like it. And I can see why they’d pick it given the other options available. I think my favourite of these “new” colours would be orange Le-matoran, and teal Ga-matoran.


I do wish the lighting in Ko-koro was better because it’s so hard to tell what light grey, sand blue, or white. Some masks look white, but could be light grey; sand blue could be light grey in darker areas; etc.


I only just saw this topic, but I thought this might be useful: A little while back, I went through the released versions of the alpha & final dev builds of the game, to find the exact colors as they were defined in-game (as this topic has also interested me a little bit), and created this spreadsheet documenting them all:

The game defines the colors for the Tohunga’s bodies and their feet/masks differently. The body is defined by the specific region/village the Tohunga is located in/from (so, all Onu-Koronans have the same body color). Feet & masks, on the other hand, are defined per map; where each definition includes the foot color, mask color, and mask shape. Finally, there is a constant for Kapura (mislabeled “Hafu” in the alpha) that is used in place of specific colors.

Interestingly, the total overall color & mask diversity of the villagers decreased between the alpha and final builds. The alpha has a unique color of orange that is only used for a couple of Kakama-wearing Tohunga in Po-Koro. My main guess is that it was an older color code used for testing either 106 Bright Orange or 38 Dark Orange; but it may possibly be color 105 Bright Yellowish Orange. According to LEGO’s internal element IDs, feet (MCDONALD FOOT 4156765/32576) and a Komau (VOODOO MASK 9 (6-AG) 4156778/32572) were made in the color as part of the prototyping process for the McToran, back when they were seemingly planning on making 12 instead of 6, so it may be possible that this was supposed to represent that color; but considering almost every other piece used was released in a final set (save the various purple masks of the Onu-Koronans), I don’t personally think that is the case.

EDIT: Double checking the element IDs, I forgot that Nobua’s purple Hau is also one of the masks listed in the prototype Tohunga parts (VOODOO MASK, TAHU (4-CR) 4156782/32505), which could lead more credence to the mystery orange color being 105. I still think it’s a test of 106 or 38, but it might be something to look more into.


The yellow on the Le-Matoran works pretty well. I guess there’s a reason they used that colour scheme in G2.


It is nice to see them step away from solely using what’s immediately adjacent on the color wheel, as Bionicle color schemes tended to play it boringly safe most of the time, frankly.

A lot of Ta-Matoran use black, to name another early G1 example, as well as Nuparu’s orange and Takua’s blue (his later being revealed to have been an Av-Matoran notwithstanding).


Oh that’s interesting, good idea to go to the source!

I had assumed the orange Kakama was the same as Hewki’s, but going back to the game I can see that it is different like you say. I would think it was an early form of Dark Orange that was missed (especially because it only appears with yellow feet, while the Dark Orange Kakama doesn’t), but you could be on to something with the unused Bright Yellowish Orange! If it was intentional, then that would make this village the second to break the pattern.

Strange about Kapura being misnamed Hafu. It makes me think there’s some conspiracy with the Pakari/Ruru Matoran… Why else would Hafu of all people get a set?

Joking aside, it might be worth comparing the internal colours to the ones used by the Toa and Turaga if possible. They don’t look consistent, but how far off are they?