Looking for feedback: Makuta's Diary

So, I have some trouble speaking clearly, both in English and my mother tongue. I often start to mumble and there forget a little cautious when asked to speak f.e. for presentations. Because of that I thought it would be fun to record readings of Bionicle books. So I created a little test audio. (Of course of my favorite character, who conveniently offers the possibility to edit voices, so I can actually listen to myself without cringing too hard lol) Now the thing is, would somebody be interested in listening to these or are they even bearable? (No, I don’t have concrete plans yet to upload anything soon, I’m just curious). I am aware that there is some far better quality stuff out there, but still I am curious, especially since I barely speak English with actual English speaking people.
I also chose this book because it exists both in English and in German, which would be cool, because especially in the German language there is barely lore related content on YT. Though I’m afraid of copyright stuff for the German version.


My immediate first impression was “this guy is definitely German, and he’s definitely speaking English”. I wish I was better at putting in to words the differences between accents, but the first thing that gave away that you weren’t a natural English speaker was your pronunciation of “r”. It sounds like You had full control over it for the first few seconds (“I am Makuta Teridax” would pass completely for an English speaker), it dropped by the next line, becoming more of a “w” sound for “story” and “ruler”. (Though it still has the feeling of it trying to be an “r”, I’m not sure how to explain it.) The second thing is the cadence of your voice doesn’t sound like American English. The line " my fellow Makuta" was pronounced as I’d expect, but felt sped up compared to the tone of the rest of the speech. However, I think the different cadence would suit a BIONICLE voiceover, since it is supposed to feel alien to an extent.

One other tidbit - the audio quality is fine, but I feel like you chose too short of a reverb to fit Makuta. Firstly because it creates awkward pauses between fuller sounds, and secondly because it sounds like he’s speaking in a bathroom, not in the tunnels leading to the core processor or echoing through the Great Spirit.


Nah man, your absolutely fine. Ain’t nothing wrong with your voice.

New try. I hope the reverb’s not too much?


It is a bit much, but I feel like a lot is better than too little for Makuta.