Lost BIONICLE Merchandise (BS01 Project)

(Like a Kanohi quest?)

Hey, folks! I’m Gonel, one of the admins on BS01 (among other things) and I’m spearheading a new project for the site. Biosector01 is a great resource for BIONICLE canon and set information, but one area where it is woefully lagging is on the subject of official Bonk merch apart from the sets. For anything along those lines, you’d have to head to sites like Brickipedia or Bricklink.

I’m looking to change this.

There’s actually a vast array of official merchandise that isn’t even on those sites–they only scratch the surface. If you peruse ebay or similar non-English sites, you’ll quickly find rabbit holes of promotional BIONICLE items. Many are obvious fan creations, but often you’ll find two different photos of the same item, photos with official tags or trademarks of the LEGO Company, or people responding and attesting to having gotten the item themselves. Sometimes too, an item will fit into a known product line, as is the case with the ungodly host of BIONICLE backpacks.

Pending the release of LEGO’s official list of BIONICLE third-party merchandise, we have to track images of/information about these items down ourselves. There are a lot of items we know exist, but of which no pictures are known to exist. There are also a lot of sites where people sell old BIONICLE merchandise, but the items listed there are always changing. Moreover, there are sometimes undiscovered web archives of old Lego sites where official product images exist–I’ve found a handful of old images and set numbers that way.

There are three pages on BS01 so far where I’ve added my research. The first is Gallery:Merchandise for everything we have an image for, as well as links to where that image was sourced. The second is the actual Merchandise page which will be a broad overview of Merchandise–in the future it will link to smaller pages where the information currently on it will be moved. Finally, there is List of Sets for any item where we know a set number, if not also any product details.

I’ve added pretty much everything I can find or think to add (except for grinding through BZP/MOD news articles and the BrickLink index) but even now in the Obscure BIONICLE Product Discussion folks are still finding official items I’ve never seen before.


So… if anyone knows of anything or has any ideas where to look to find new items (or official information about old ones), Biosector01 would love to get your help! Let me know if you have any questions!


I was going to say something about a Kopaka bag I saw on YouTube once, but then I thought to actually check the page and there it was. Do you know if there’s anything like those for the other Toa?


Some stuff I’ve come across recently

Phantoka cutlery

Piraka cap

This Piraka T-shirt


Fascinating, these will be great to add!


Now that I found this thread maybe I should post new finds here instead of the merch gallery talk page as I had been doing?
Kopaka ■■■■■ Vintage Y2K 2000s Lego Bionicle Long Sleeve ■■■■■ RARE Youth Size 6/7 15x18 | eBay
Vahki hooded ■■■■■■■■■■, gray Bionicle pants, blue Bionicle text tshirt (same as the etsy link I put in talk page, but blue), Bohrok water bottle: All things I had as a kid, may still have in parents basement, will post pics if they turn up. Mentioning them here in case the mention jogs the memory of anyone who may know where to find pics.
There was also a Nui Rama t-■■■■■ (I think it was a black ■■■■■ with a red and yellow color scheme), most likely from 2001, I never owned it but again maybe jog a memory if anyone else has it or has a pic?

Edit: Not sure why it is blanking out some of the words. The censored words are sh1rt , tsh1rt, and sw3atsh1rt.


That eBay link spurred me on to do some digging, here’s the very fruitful results

Barraki vest:

Bohrok-Kal Legoland T-shirt:

“The New Tribe” beanie:

The strange subtitle on this one initially made me think it was unofficial but it has all the official LEGO WEAR labels… hmmm.

Vakama fleece:

Piraka “The New Face of Fear” T-shirt:

Swim trunks:

(Awful photo but you can at least see the branding on either side and the Lego logo on the label)

Blue beanie:

Gresh T-shirt:

Annoyingly folded in half but there luckily doesn’t seem to be anything more to the graphic anyway

Winter coat:

Worth noting that according to the inner label, it’s made by the same manufacturer as the Barraki vest, “Kabooki”.

Waterproof jacket with removable hood:

Also by Kabooki. Guess they made quite a few Bionicle clothes

Phantoka gym bag:


I had seen that Hakann ■■■■■ too but didn’t post because of a slight suspicion that it is fan made. There are other custom/fanmade Bionicle shirts on ebay and that Hakann ■■■■■ does not have a Lego tag like many other official shirts plus it is adult xl where most shirts are kid sizes. Not saying its not official, just that idk if it is. Good finds on everything else anyway!


The men’s size is weird but the graphics look accurate for the period… the labels are equally suspicious but there’s still a Lego logo on the back so I’m really not sure. It’s definitely the strangest of the lot


I suppose there is a chance it was made in limited quantity for adult employees to wear at promo events or something along those lines.
Btw, does the word sh1rt (when spelled properly) censor for everyone? Seems pretty absurd for a word filter to filter that word.


Yes it does, always. Because it starts with s, ends with t, and has h and i in between in the right order. The swear filter’s honestly kinda broken.

You can get around it by putting invisible strikethroughs in the middle of the word

For example: sh[s][/ s]irt
Just without the space


Test shirt


Some posters to add to the merch gallery:


Here’s that wallet I mentioned, it’s just been relisted.


Phantoka cap


All of the Bionicle birthday stuff I’ve found


That’s actually pretty cool.


I have to wonder why they split the image like that. I can kind of see what they were going for, but I’d have expected them to just put the full image on instead.


I had a birthday party with these! I still have the black fuzzy mini poster of Vakama from that bundle.


Some new finds!

Much better picture of the Vakama glider, also stating the company that made it. Plus two previously unseen kites, and a totally cancelled Thinkway Toys plug-n’-play that I don’t think has ever been seen before now, all courtesy of @Bioman

And also this 2005 stationary set, marked as set number 4279823

And yeah, it’s got an actual build and instructions and everything! So now everyone’s G1 collections are 1 set less complete :P


I have to wonder what the plot of this game was going to be. With the motion controller, might it have tied into the (thankfully) scrapped idea of having a human child actually be Takanuva in-universe?


So that’s where the spinner came from!

I remember my brother and I getting this thing alongside 2 Lego stationary sets, but the weird thing is it wasn’t this stationary set. There was a Toa Metru themed one, and a classic Lego one (with two magnetic bricks and a brick shaped eraser).

I always assumed it was just a custom model that we accidentally took home or something