M.I. Krophone

The most notorious broadcaster in the whole Zork-verse. He doesn’t actually have eyes, he just has a smile. He sees with his screen or something.

“Ya’re on air, Lad! Say SOmE thing, We can@t afford to go off-script!”
Ever since he lost his he lost his remote, has been prone to random channel changes.


I read just the name of the topic and thought, “lol its probably one of zorks creations” and wouldn’t you know it I was right

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As much as i enjoy this message, does the moc in anyway actually entertain/displease/amuse/etc. you?

His smile and giant claws are creeping me out.
Nice moc though.

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yeah, i was meant to finish this by Hallow’een, but lo and behold various things got in the way :sweat_smile:

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I can’t help it that I see the white joysticks as derpy eyes.


that’s fine, the first person i showed it to thought those were eyes as well.

I’m imagining all the little studs on his face are his eyes


lol if anything that makes it worse



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:smiley: I love him so much. The face is fantastic, the suit and shoes are on point and his little microphone.
This guy is just screaming for fan art.


Thanks! also, i want thy opinion

  • Give “eyes” to the moc
  • Keep it as it is
  • Make the smile bigger
    please tell me which you would prefer

do not do this


Keep it as is. The default just being a huge grin, is amazing and very creepy.

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I’d suggest putting tiles on the screen (if you have the pieces) to make it look more like a TV.

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