M.O.C 'thing'

a mutant brute like being, it has been known to have the power of heat vision and mighty strength, it also is a ‘partner’ for Petrum, my skrall - moc. I used my scrapped umarak the destroyer moc and made something else. and is another member of a band of dangerous mercenaries, not much else to say really.

and a small sketch of the moc (pretty cartoony I know)


Pretty cool, the asymmetry is interesting.

also, it needs stats and be named after a song.


alright then, not going to bother with the stand stuff cause i’m lazy. but thanks for telling me any way!

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You did the thing idea much better than me. Appalled to you

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Pretty neat. The asymmetry adds a lot of character to him, and the design of the head is equally interesting.

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thanks, and pardon me for asking but what idea or mething like that did you have?

Mine was very cluttered and a mess

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I like how asymmetrical the moc is and the overall look
Only the usage of a wheel in the back is odd

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I love the idea for the head/crown/helmet

The shadow trap pieces make an interesting head ornament coupled with that agori head… Looks pretty solid overall! The feet are probably the weakest part of the MOC because of how small and blocky they are. I would recommend smoothing them out or something.

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Flippin narly dude! How do you do it, great job!

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i really like this but i do think the feet could use some kind of bulk.

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look like something straight outta dead space

i like it

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Anyone mentioned the Space Ripper Stingy Eyes yet

Either way, that looks pretty fantastic

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thanks dude!

I love this guy, seems like something out of a black and white sci-fi movie.

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