Today, lovely members of the TTV message boards, I present to you a M:Tron theme MOC!
This train was based off of modern diesel locomotives, though not any in particular.
I chose M:Tron because it was a color scheme I enjoy working in.
Comments and Crits, as always, are welcome and encouraged!
It looks great as always, though it doesn’t really look M-tronish. You could try to make a more futuristic , like in those monorail sets.
I wasn’t really trying to make it seem futuristic. I was just using the color scheme.
If that was your goal, you sure accomplished it,I was expecting just something else.
Yeah… That title might have been kinda clickbaity.
I would suggest taking inspiration from the Monorail sets if you are aiming for a more Sci-fi Futuristic look.
As for the MOC itself, it’s very simple, but it works surpassingly well. I would suggest to make the driver spot a little bigger, but other than that, solid work!
Would if I Could, but the only train set I own is the Hogwarts express, and a few of the track packs.
You don’t need to own it… you can just look at pictures with it and take inspiration from it.
Ohhh this is nice. Very good. 6.5/10
then why only 6.5?
Just kidding, thanks man.
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It’s simple and nice, but it seems to be a little bit too much of just a box imo. I’d suggest trying to add a little more shaping here and there to try and reduce the overall boxiness
If you look at diesel engines, particularly shunters, they are very boxy.

A pair of full sized engines.

A Shunter, a BR Class 04 0-6-0, to be specific, the basis for,

The character Mavis from Thomas the Tank Engine.
Good use of the M-Tron color scheme on the train, but what I like the most is the unique face of the engine from the last photo. Cool seeing the headlights arranged in pairs, and the shaping of the engine face using previous M-Tron pieces.
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