@Xing1870 then it’s done! It can be downloaded here!
NB! my pin holes and axle sizes aren’t perfect, but should work. If someone know where I can find accurate measurments of those, please let me know!
This was a really fun project. If you have anything else, let me know!
This is rough but could you make this?
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i will say this: the chainsaw sword is more or less inspired by the chainsaw sword from the Bionicle system sets:
hopefully those with the resources might now have an actual constraction/technic version of that weapon.
Is the razor edge on the inside? while the outer bit looks blunt?
do you maybe have some sketchup files for download I’m struggeling with the right sizes for axles and pin holes.
Oh, did you get the right hole sizes for the parts you posted here? Just wondering.
@Dragon_Ben not quite sure how you want it to look, but could give it a try I guess
@Darknova3529 what do you mean?
@Xing1870 they are pretty close, but not 100%, I could update them.
The link you sent me only mentions the diameter of the axles, not how thick the edges are.
Do you mean either of these distances?
I don’t think either of them have a universal size
Once you have access to the 3d printer at your school, you should sell your pieces on the boards. I can’t wait to use some of these in real life.
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I’m a horrible artist but somthing like the drawing but around the size of the hewkii sword
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February 25, 2017, 2:00am
I don’t have as much time now as I had when I made this post, but if you have a sketch I could probably make something
February 25, 2017, 2:04am
Alright, I should have something done soon then!
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Yeah ummmm no Habla espanol
we don’t have many Classic flat blade daggers. I can see a weapon wrapping around a hand to lead to some cool things
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@Vspinax Can we do this again? I found this thread after looking for fan-created Bionicle weapons.
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