August 1, 2016, 7:36pm
Here’s some resources on MOC photography. They’re helpful in the setup of the scene, but what I think will help more is actually explaining features of the camera like ISO or f-stop which unfortunately I haven’t found (for MOCists, I mean.)
After Reading Crunchy’s post on the “tips to Start Bio-MOCing” I thought I’d write up a guide to MOCing Photography. I think my MOCs photos speak for themselves. Its something I’ve been working at for a few years now, and while it’s still a work in progress, I’m mostly satisfied with my MOC’s photographs. I present:
Dave's Guide to professional(ish) MOC photography for poor people!
Getting top notch looking photography isn’t as hard as you might think. With a few purchases you could potentially get MOC photographs that look like this. [image]
I’ll start off by showing off my Photography set up. [image]
Everything shown here is what I use to take all my MOC phtoographs except my Camera because well Durr, I gotta take the picture and its not like I have another camera to take a picture of…