"Makuta Building Contest" W.I.P.s and Finished Creations Topic

So I figured out what length I want the legs to be, although I’m gonna make some custom feet, which will make them a bit longer. I also covered the axle on the back…


So you made the Spiked thing…good…btw compare it to an Inika build.

Do you think the legs are long enough?

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The shins are a little short.

Maybe…hard to tell without the feet.

Hey bud, good design but I would be inclined to shorten the torso so that the legs attach where the tip of the sword is.looking nice so far though!

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Thanks for the advice mate.

Two shades of gold… Yes or no?

Also horn…


If you ballance the two shades out it should look pretty good

Yeah… Maybe not

Not a fan of that

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I am really really scared to post my WIP.
I can’t bear taking my G2 sets apart, and I’m too horrified at the critiques I’ll get.

Maybe I’ll post my first one later, but I think I’m going to start over.

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Don’t be scared. So far there haven’t really been much hate here. Everyone is pretty friendly. So I wouldn’t worry about it.


Just get dupes like I do.


not everyone is rich

I see everyone is getting their master rank back, I am still stuck with this

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This is going to be a great contest, and there are some really nice creations to add on to it! I’ve started work on mine yesterday, and I am pleased with the progress I have made.

I tried to make it look similar to the “Overlord” Makuta, while keeping some similarities to his mask maker form. The upper legs use a similar technique and have a similar look to Play Stippling’s Stiphalu, but with a more legal build. From messing around with it, it seems like the supporting limbs are a bit too long, and need to be shortened. Not only are the limbs a little hard to articulate, but they also look extremely awkward when bending the legs. This is something I’ll be working on.

I started on the torso, as well, going for a 2016 waist articulation, and a construction similar to UTD. I like the side coverage I gave him, but it gives a tiny gap. And I think I’ll need to stock up on some Terak sets, because I need the trans. purple/gold pieces, especially that creature head. I’m kind of stuck on back coverage ideas, so that’s something I’ll be working on, as well.

That being said, I got the look and size I wanted. And that’s good progress. Since I can’t resize all of these photos, I’ll link you to this Flickr Album.

Constructive criticism, tips, and/or advice is welcome!


I would if I could, but there’s not much time (not to mention, I still need seven more sets to complete the 2016 collection).

Besides, I need to get Onua/Terak for more Trans- (JANGBRiCKS: "PURPLE!!!") pieces.

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Well a lot of them are on sale now so that’s why I’ve been getting them lol

also ive had master back since may now so yeah git gud and git back in, dude

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When one starts again


Personally I think you put too much on him, you know, more isn’t allways better. As a pastry chef I would recommend to tone him down^^.

when does the contest ends?