Makuta chimera

I was sorting parts and through a series of thoughts while looking at parts I built a fusion chimera of a rakshi, bohrok, and vahki. Originally I planned a gear function but it made the bohrok arm too heavy so I locked it and kept it as some insides / toy detail.


I can always appreciate a moc with decent amounts of asymmetry.

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As much as I hate to see a vahki head disrespected like that, it is a rather cool look.


Like the overall build of the moc, it have a very solid look to it

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looks very chaotic, nice.


Interesting. I honestly think that the colour scheme is a bit too messy but the build looks really cool. You got all of the elements of the different creatures working really well together.

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It’s pretty messy but also somehow cohesive. Good job!

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So, a vahki, a bohrok, and a rahkshi walk into an energized protodermis pool…
the asymmetry is nice

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The Vahki head as an arm cannon is genius

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I like this, feels almost like a junkyard rahkshi, professional at scavenging and fighting nasty