After acquiring some of the MoUPs Cyberhand made back in the day I needed something for them to sit on. So over the years a MOC based on G2 Makuta slowly came together in my spare time, with me finally finishing it last night at 4 am. Hopefully one day I can get my act together and get some better photos of him but they shall do, for now, I’m just super excited to have something to post here again.
Hopefully I can get more lights plugged into him sooner rather than later.
Thanks for reading through, C&C is of course appreciated.
Great build and color scheme!
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How did you install an led into the stalk?
All the dark tan hooks make it look like he has energy swirling around him, that’s pretty cool.
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It’s actually a led in a stud that I bought a while back. I keep it place purely by the masks upper back lip preventing it from flying out the top and putting this piece inn to fill in the back.
And by the way, welcome to the TTV Message Boards.
Besides for the weirdly spindly arms, solid design! I think it fits his g2 character!
Great job!
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Huh, that’s an interesting take, I like it!
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