Makuta Ilrix, the lunatic (Halloween build)

Hello everyone! Today is the Spooky Day, which means that it’s the perfect day for a spooky build!

I don’t like creating backstories for my characters, so this is all you’re gonna get:

Ilrix was one of the greatest Makuta scientists, who specialised in working on gases. He experimented on his gaseous form and was able to stabilise and modify it, gaining the ability to survive without the special armour all the other Makuta needed, his gas was extremely poisonous and affected all living beings nearby. But there was a cost for such great power: the transformation drove the scientist insane, making him more dangerous than ever before…

This build was an experimental one for me: it’s a bit simpler than my normal MOCs and not as refined, since I had to finish it in time for Halloween, but I still think that it works well enough. My main goal was to use as many neon green CCBS parts as possibly I could (and I certainly succeeded, since the only neon green CCBS parts I have left are a few 2015 skeleton ribcages) in the character’s gaseous lab coat thing, because I really wanted to use a blacklight while taking the pictures (neon green parts glow like crazy in ultraviolet light). I totally didn’t steal the UV light idea from a person named after a mediocre 2006 polybag

In case some details are hard to see, here are some additional pictures with white background:

Different background photos

Thanks for viewing, your constructive criticism and opinion about the MOC are appreciated, as usual! Goodbye and happy Halloween!


The sheer amount of neon green is awesome.


This guy has such Lovecraft energy, he looks amazing. The Glowing transgreen parts are spectacular, like his antidermis form is seaping out of his armour. FANTASTIC!!!


Awesome backstory. I love how it translates into the MOC. Good job!


Oh my goodness, the amount of trans green. It looks fantastic! Really well made MOC


now that’s cool. i like that neon green!


That looks fantastic! I really want his coat… :dark_sunglasses:


Glad to finally see someone put all those epic trans neon green pieces from Umarak the Destroyer to good use!