Makuta Krika Reborn MOC

First, it should be noted that my older brother is really bad at MoCing. Dude literally takes regular sets, changes an addon or something, as passes it off as a MoC.

So, considering he had an obsession with Krika back in 2008 (and still does), I decided to be a nice guy and build him a new Krika. This version is more or less an envisionment of how Krika would have looked after reversing his atomic spread-outage caused by Gorast. Krika rebuilds himself and sets out for vengeance against literally everyone.

Yeah, kinda lame bio. Here’s the MoC!

Fairly simple Toa-sized build utilizing the Inika system, but I think it works for a Krika …upgrade, you could call it. If anyone is curious, I came up with the different colored eye thing out of the blue. It wasn’t inspired by anything other than I thought Krika should be half-blind. That blue eye (in his fanon) is blind.

Front view.

Back view. As you can see, those talons from his set iteration are on balljoints, and are thus posable (duh :stuck_out_tongue:)

Close-up on that blaster-thingy. My brother actually designed this. What he lacks in actual BIONICLE Moccing, he makes up for in weapon and system moccing.

Action shot!


I think the blades make him look a bit too cumbersome.

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I think the 4 legs are what gave him such a unique look and now its gone

The quadrupedal attribute that was Krika in 2008 isn’t actually how he always looked, as I’m sure you’re aware. More likely than not he was bipedal. At any rate, it would take too long to explain the convoluted fanon that my brother came up with for post-Karda Nui.

Point is, the trademark spines and white/red are still there. They’re just more of an aesthetic.

That is your opinion, however, and I will respect it.


I agree it lacked the uniqueness that the original had, and keeping the spikes on the legs don’t look too good. Also, don’t take pictures towards a light source.

I’m intrigued, what system things does he make?

Mostly ships and minifig vehicles. Or sometimes Technic weapons for Bonkles.

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Krika was my favourite set from 2008. I have tried to use his legs in other mocs but they always look out of place due to his unique asthetic. I would recomend using some system and trying to replicate the spiny look using that. The legs really are too long and thin to use on a mock this way.

Though I must say I do love the use of the back legs on his back. I feel like they are going to waist from the front since you can’t really see them. Move them a little higher and I think it will increase his presence.

The arms look very strange.

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Krika does a bipedal