Hey everyone! I wanted to hear your opinions on this subject, why does Biosector01 list Makuta as having limited powers when it comes to Kraata/Rahkshi Powers? For instance, under Gravity, it says “Makuta have limited gravity powers” however I seem to see exactly the opposite of limited in the story when they use their Kraata powers to obliterate opponents or obstacles. Icarax uses his gravity power to crush the Codrex, mind you this thing is miles in diameter and it’s walls are extremely thick, just look at these photos:
The amount of gravity it would take to crush this thing would be immense. Another instance is Magnetism, again using Icarax here, crushed Botar with magnetism. That would take a ton of magnetic force to do. Now when I think of limited, I think of being able to do minor things like create a magnetic field that can pull things to you or use gravity to make a target plant more firmly to the ground etc. Perhaps when they say limited they are speaking solely of the fact that they cannot create Nova Blasts or don’t have an array of abilities with the power. What do you think my friends?
I always took it to mean they didn’t have the full scope of Toa abilities. Something more akin to a Bohrok.
That said, gravity isn’t the most dynamic elemental force to begin with, so I can’t think of an example that would be Toa exclusive. Like you said, Icarax used gravity to crush the Codrex (making an artificial gravitic point at the center of an object/fixed point in space) and earlier that story year Mutran increased his own personal gravity to keep from being blown away (manipulating the natural gravity of the environment). Honestly, what else can you do?
Using another elemental Makuta power as an example, the Sonics kraata power permits vibration and raw sonic output, even forming creatures out of sound, but specifically prohibits fine control of the sounds made:
Krakua, alternatively, could probably play a ventriloquist act by having his voice emanate from an object across the battlefield, while at the same time being unable to create a sonic creature. I think that example has clearer distinctions than gravity; gravity is likely just a difference of precision and overall power. Perhaps a Toa of Gravity could have had the Codrex crushed already. Justy thoughts
Good points! Interestingly enough, Makuta actually have a greater elemental pool than Toa and the discipline to use said power more effectively according to Greg on an archives question to him. So in theory based on that information, they should actually be more adept than a Toa at using gravity. Though cannot use a Nova Blast, which doesn’t really make them lesser in that power minus the Nova Blast.
I think what was meant was that the Makuta have greater finesse in their elemental powers, while Toa have greater overall strength in the same powers. That’s why Makuta can’t create a Nova Blast.
Exactly this. From my understanding, the limitation is about scope or breadth of how they can use the power, not sheer strength. The strength comes from willpower. Bit ye gravity is iffy in this regard.
I found this:
So basically, they are simply more disciplined and have a greater willpower to use their power more efficiently according to Greg. Also it appears that it mostly depends on willpower when both use the same element.
Good find! So it appears they have a specific single application of each of their respective Kraata powers, intriguing. While on the subject does anyone know what this person is referencing when he asked about Icarax’s additional Kraata powers beyond the 42? Question #4
I want someone to make a story about Bitil summoning a copy of himself holding utensils for a meal. Absolutely perfect hilarity.
As for the sonar, I’d imagine that the limiting factor is the Makuta’s hearing; the Makuta should definitely be able to send out sound waves, so the issue must be with the reception.
I want answers to my question! just kidding though I do wonder what in the world that person was talking about, I cannot find references anywhere about Icarax having additional Kraata/Rahkshi powers.
I also rummaged around online and found nothing. All I can do is read three whole books and try to find anything there lol. I have no memory of Icarax having extra powers but I could have simply forgotten.
Alternatively, the questioner may be confused. Icarax was described in the OGD a few times as having advantages over the other Makuta, in as much as he wasn’t blind or mutated. That may have gotten twisted around in a telephone game of sorts before reaching the questioner.
Yeah basically same here lol I looked online, the books the web serials and absolutely nothing that I could read. You are probably right about that. It makes the most sense at this point. Thank you for trying though!