Makuta Miserix's Toa Hagah, the First Hagah Team (Kardan Universe) Part 2

Continuing from where I left off at Part 1

Mastering the power of The Green was Myrlauf, Toa of Plantlife (made by Jópie Trópí)

Myrlauf is most honorable for the standards of the early Toa that were once his contemporaries, acting as a true Toa hero even before the Toa Code was established and never accepting payment for his heroism. He once served as a commander under Kalmah’s former rule, a fact Miserix ensured was not discovered by the once Pridak-employed Verbatis and vise versa. Myrlauf does not speak about his time in the service (or most of his past for the matter) anyway, as he never really approved of Kalmah himself personally.

In Miserix’s service, Myrlauf was given a Rhotuka Launching Shield to fire his Silence spinner, useful for incapacitating Sonic foes and for stealth purposes. The Overgrowth Spear he was given could accelerate organic aging, which he mainly used to instantly increase the growth of his created plantlife, though he could use it to suddenly cripple his enemies if such a “dishonorable tactic” was necessary. He had his Akaku reforged in the shape of a Matatu an old friend of his once wore, the first to get the idea to extend their telekinetic range with an eyepiece.

Undoubtedly the most sporting and athletic of Miserix’s Toa Hagah was Nalkhi, Toa of Earth (made by Venoblade Bionicles)

Nalkhi is a famously known Akilini player in Metru Nui, boasting 3 confirmed championship victories under his belt with rumors of other impressive victories preceding him. Even Miserix was aware of these “mere Matoran rumors,” but fact or fiction Nalkhi’s skill spoke for itself. His humble attitude and cooperative “team-player” spirit made him a much welcome addition to the Toa Hagah, working well with the team’s official leaders and relaying their orders to the others to keep everyone’s efforts organized.

Nalkhi’s armor and equipment is ornamented with reminders of his Akilini days, all forged in copper-hued metallic Protodermis refined in a process to prevent oxidation- his Calix is forged in the shape of a noble Huna with two of his victory Huna worn as shoulder armor, and his Spear bears a Kanoka Launcher mounted near its head. These are more so out of nostalgia and Nalkhi’s pure passion for the sport, and not so much from pride in his accomplishments. He still accepts the standard Rhotuka Launching Shield, from which he can fire his Boomerang spinners that return any struck object or being to wherever Nalkhi was standing when he fired the spinner. And his Tectonic Spear could be wedged into surfaces like a jackhammer to send seismic tremors through the earth or even the most fortified structures.

Likewise hailing from the City of Legends is Akullore, Toa of Ice (made by Toa_Quiroh)

Akullore was once a Ko-Matoran scholar of Metru Nui focused on the study of physics and engineering, and thus spent much time in the Le-Metru Transport Hub testing and observing vehicles. When he became a Toa, he was on a trip to the once relatively peaceful land of Zakaz where he managed to stop a rampaging Tahtorak with his newfound powers. Unfortunately, he lost his right arm in the process, and had to construct his own mechanical replacement with his engineering skills. These impressive feats accomplished while still “green” as a Toa meant Miserix kept a close eye on his development and endeavors.

When finally recruited, Akullore was given a Rhotuka Launching Shield that he modified to not only charge but fire 2 spinners simultaneously, rendering mechanical systems defunct with his Malfunction Rhotuka. Akullore tended to hold his shield in a way that concealed his prosthetic arm, indicating he was still self-conscious of it, but he was helped to overcome his insecurity over time by his brothers and sisters. The Permafrost Spear he was given could not only freeze but completely alter the state of matter of whatever non-living thing it touched, changing it between solid, liquid, gas, and plasma. And finally, his Komau was reforged in the shape of Makuta Umarak’s Brotherhood variant Mask of Psychometry, honoring the valuable tracking skills the Shadow Hunter taught him while loyally serving Miserix.

The least serious member of the team was Narama, Toa of Magnetism (made by Claustritimus)

Narama was the team jokester, and would charm his way to victory both among his allies and enemies alike, the latter of which would be drawn into a sort of psychological war as they began to question Narama’s motivations and their own. He also had a reputation that travelled even farther than that of Nalkhi’s, though the tall tales of Narama’s exploits as a Toa were even more exaggerated and sometimes unsubstantiated. It didn’t help that Narama himself would often jokingly make such claims and lead his listeners on for either a brief moment or a span of days, and his shenanigans would occasionally irritate the likes of Kilaoi and Akullore, or even some Makuta who were not so easily amused. Still, Narama knew when to get serious, whether to end a prank before it went too far or to vigorously defend Destral.

Narama wore a reforged Mask of Rebounding in the shape of a Great Kiril variant, and upon becoming a Toa Hagah, he was given the Polarity Spear- capable of completely reversing or even removing the magnetic polarity of whatever it struck. From his Rhotuka Launching Shield, he extended his natural charm with his Charisma spinner. Many missions of Miserix’s Toa Hagah went smoothly thanks to targets struck with Narama’s Rhotuka becoming more sympathetic to their cause the more the Toa spoke.

Following up is Vonu, Toa of Plasma (made by SomeBioFan)

Vonu was once described as “something of a dynamo,” bursting with energy and always in motion. While this energetic nature of his could be tiresome to some among the team and the Brotherhood, it also meant he could think and act quickly as he never paused to rest even in the most dire of situations. Miserix took note of Vonu’s vibrant energy even as a Matoran, having visited his village once before below an active volcano, and had the Brotherhood “recruit” the Su-Matoran to see if destiny planned for Vonu to become a Toa. After finding this was so, Vonu was added to the ranks of the Toa Hagah and given the standard Rhotuka Launching Shield like his comrades.

Vonu’s Spin Rhotuka rotated struck targets a complete 180 degrees, letting him change up the flow of battle or creatively solve puzzling obstacles in a mission. Additionally, the Flux Spear he was given could channel a more energy-based form of Plasma to charge whatever it touched with his choice of shocking electricity or forceful magnetization, making him a formidable force when paired alongside Kadishni or Narama. His kit was completed with a Mask of Psychometry, reforged in the shape of a Mask of Retrocognition (a mask that allows the wearer to view the past history of the immediate area) worn by an old friend of his back in his home village. Together, he and Akullore made excellent detectives and trackers for the team’s efforts.

Next is an additional member for Miserix’s Toa Hagah not originating from the collab: Anylan, Toa of Sand- created due to one of the main ideas behind Miserix’s Hagah team is that he had one Toa from each element, and Sand is a pre-existing Matoran element in my universe as opposed to Crystal and Acid which Mata Nui created post-reformation.

Anlyan was once a Gra-Matoran captaining a small group of traders on hovering Sand Sled transports. Native to the desert region in the central area of the Southern Continent, Anlyan crossed over dangerous dunes to export goods and resources to and from his home village, until one day his Sand Sled was attacked by a Tunnel Stalker that caught and dragged Anlyan and his cargo below the surface. Miraculously, one of the items he was transporting happened to be a Toa Stone carved in the form of a small statuette he’d purchased, activating in the Matoran’s time of peril and transforming him before the clutches of death could claim him. Anlyan eventually overpowered the vicious Rahi and escaped to the surface, surprising his Matoran friends.

Word of this event soon reached Miserix’s ears, and a Matoran that could survive a situation like that long enough to even become a Toa by fortunate chance certainly impressed the leader of the Brotherhood. And so Anlyan was recruited, trained, and made a member of Miserix’s Toa Hagah. He was given the versatile Quicksand Spear, able to transmute solid surfaces into sand to turn the ground into sinking sandpits, or walls into sand grains falling away to create openings through which to pass. His supplied Rhotuka Launching Shield let him fire his Transparency spinner, making the struck area of surfaces temporarily see-through.

Supplement all of this with Anlyan’s reforged mask of Sensory Aptitude, and there was no pathway he couldn’t find, no target he couldn’t reveal, and no danger he couldn’t sense, providing valuable intel and travel routes for the team. And the Toa of Sand had no qualms infiltrating treacherous territory to gather information or supplies on missions, working alongside an invisible Muru in tandem with Sorin’s Sight-Sharing Rhotuka and Myrlauf’s Silence spinner to scope out the unknown virtually undetected, all while relaying their discoveries back to the team in real-time.

Coming up as the penultimate member of Miserix’s Toa Hagah, we have Nia, Toa of Psionics (made by ToaMateo)

Nia had been in the Brotherhood’s employ as a Toa for quite some time already, serving as a Scryer by using her Valumi, Mask of Clairvoyance, to peer into the future and help plan the Brotherhood’s actions. Her skill with the mask focused by her Psionic power meant her visions were frequent, specific, and accurate, cementing her as Miserix’s first and only pick for a Ce-Toa on his Hagah team.

Nia was given a Kanohi Midnex, Mask of Psychokinesis, which enabled her not only a greater capacity for telekinetic power, but the ability to levitate herself for limited flight. And the higher mental strength requirement for the mask was well within Nia’s reach, proving she truly was the most reliable choice for team-member. It soon became her primary Kanohi over her Valumi, though she retained both and had each reforged in the shape of an elemental Mask of Psionics (owing to her proficiency as a Ce-Toa) which were equipped with scanning visors that glowed when active. Working together with the Telekinetic power of her closest friends Sorin and Kadhishni, Nia could reportedly move entire mountains while coordinating with the others telepathically.

On top of this, Nia carries the Neuron Spear which can temporally scramble the minds of living beings, incapacitating her enemies in tight situations. Through her given Rhotuka Launching Shield, Nia could fire her Surveillance Rhotuka that let her see the surroundings of an area through the perspective of struck inanimate objects. In many ways, Nia was the eyes and ears of both her team and Miserix himself, as her undying loyalty to the leader of the Brotherhood meant she always reported back directly to him every single thing she’d witnessed on the field and among her comrades. Her team was well aware of this, and did not view her truthful diligence negatively whatsoever.

And the final member of Miserix’s Hagah team, the most secret asset of the Brotherhood at the time: Vodan, the first Shadow-turned Toa (made by Manster, formerly known simply as A Man)

Vodan was once your average Av-Matoran living in Karda Nui, a watchman looking out for dangerous flying Rahi that might fly too close to the village cave entrances. Miserix, the only Makuta entrusted with knowledge of the location of Karda Nui’s entrance, traveled here in search of an Av-Matoran for his own purposes long ago. He was not proud of what he was about to do, but if a “pure” Toa of Shadow was to exist (and with no one at the time knowing of the existence of natural Kra-Matoran existing outside the Domes and maintaining the GSR’s more advanced workings), Miserix would have to once again make the hard calls as leader of the Brotherhood.

Vodan was essentially kidnapped, and brought to the brightest minds among the Makuta who would then successfully turn him, forcefully, into a Toa, and then completely invert his element via light-draining. Vodan’s mind was then tampered with further to ensure the mental barrier blocking light from returning would remain permanent, and then erase all his memories of his life prior and the harsh experimentation he’d just endured, inadvertently preventing him from becoming morally corrupt. And so Vodan awoke, knowing solely of his existence as the only Toa of Shadow and being treated and trained as such from then on, and becoming Miserix’s first Toa Hagah.

Miserix, for what it was worth, still wanted his latest soldier to feel like a welcome addition- Vodan may not have remembered his past suffering but he still felt like a freak of nature, a being that shouldn’t exist. Much therapeutic reassurance and affirmations were imparted to him as a result, both by his teammates and even Miserix himself on occasion. Still, Vodan tended to position himself in a manner that would distance him from his team, acting as even more of a loner than Thewn and often hindering the team’s combat ability.

This is because Vodan is one of the most skilled combatants among the Toa Hagah. Of course, the uniqueness of his element as a Toa could always catch their enemy off guard, assaulting them with rays of Shadow and completely blacking out an entire battlefield if necessary. But he’d also trained with a spear and shield since the beginning of his Toaship and was the originator of the “default” standard for Toa Hagah equipment. Vodan carried the Wraith Spear, which created shadowy illusions and apparitions as the Shadow counterpart to Ashla’s Prismatic Spear. And his Rhotuka Launching Shield let him fire his Obfuscate spinner that rendered targets virtually incapable of perceiving Vodan’s existence in any way.

For his mask, Vodan chose to replace his original Kadin for the infamous Kanohi Mortemi, Mask of Undeath, in the event the unthinkable should occur in the line of duty and otherwise prevent him from continuing to loyally serve as the soldier he felt was all he was good for being. His Mask was reforged in the shape of Hydraxon’s Mask of Weakening, as the weapons expert had helped much with Vodan’s training.

All together, Miserix’s Toa Hagah remained one of the most formidable forces for good and peacekeeping throughout the whole of the Matoran Universe, carrying out Miserix’s word without fail and maintaining a sense of stability as the world continued to heal from the effects of the Great Disruption. Some even aided Lhikan’s Toa army during the Toa-Dark Hunter War, and made it clear they were out of the majority of the Hunters’ league.

But eventually, Teridax’s cunning would culminate in the usurping of Miserix’s rule, and as the Toa Hagah were always asked to leave the Destral fortress during the Makuta’s important Convocation meetings, none were present to defend their master as he was secretly exiled. About a week or so later the Brotherhood publicly declared Miserix had perished in a lab accident, the timing of which the original Toa Hagah began to grow suspicious of. Teridax would then steal Miserix’s idea, selecting his own Hagah team and suggesting other Makuta do the same. The claim was that the demise of Miserix led them to want closer-kept Toa bodyguards to protect them and their respective regions of oversight, though in truth the Brotherhood under Teridax’s leadership simply wanted to keep potential threats close for future elimination, or future servants to corrupt.

Miserix’s Hagah remained stationed on Destral, now working alongside Makuta Drasil’s Toa Hagah dubbed “The Knights of Royalty” guarding the outer regions of the island. And overtime it started to become gradually evident that something wasn’t right with the current Brotherhood; the secrecy, some of the Toa and other agents they employed, the more aggressive Exo-Toa, all of it started pointing to something foul.

And then Teridax’s Hagah team stumbled upon the Avohkii hidden within Destral’s chambers, a sacred mask reported stolen from the land of Artakha. True, it was known Makuta Kojol was responsible for this, but the Brotherhood had denied involvement and claimed him a rogue agent that was never seen again. It was clear the Brotherhood had lied, and as the team led by Toa Norik uncovered more terrible truths of the Brotherhood’s crimes, Nia’s Mask of Clairvoyance she had until now been neglecting the use of warned her of something far worse coming very, very soon.

The Noble Toa Hagah were about to rebel, and the Brotherhood would have to enact a Purge…

What follows after will be detailed in another post coming soon, as this one is already way too long as it is and had to be split in 2 parts. But I will leave this off with a little bit of trivia regarding some members:

  • Cuurini’s name is derived from Cu, the chemical abbreviation for Copper
  • Verbatis’ abilities and parts of his design were based off of Ultimate Echo Echo from Ben 10 and his name is derived from “verbatim”
  • The name of Sorin’s Strato Spear is derived from stratosphere, which was considered a stretch at first but it was ultimately decided it sounded cool
  • Thewn’s name is derived from “THWNN,” an acronym made from the phrase The Hagah With No Name as Minirigby had not picked one and for a while we had a difficult time settling on a name for the Toa. This was likely what inspired the idea of an air of mystery surrounding her
  • The original, physical moc for Muru was built with Pearl Reddish Gold Knights Kingdom armor, but was mistakenly seen as copper and thus colored that way when digitized. I tried swapping it back to the original color in my remake of Muru, but it just didn’t look right so I saved it for his Post-Hagah design which used Pearl Gold on the physical moc made by the original creator
  • Muru’s Matoran form was designed almost completely differently than the render shown in this post. I regret not being able to stay closer to the original design but it was changed to match the book’s description of him being tall and lanky, whereas the original Matoran design made after the book was finished had more bulk to it
  • Aiyesaac’s name is likely inspired by Isaac Newton due to his explanation of the laws of gravity, but this has not been confirmed. The name of his Horizon Spear, however, is known to be named after the event horizon of a black hole
  • Ashla is named after the ancient name for the light side of the Force in Star Wars
  • Kadishni was given a Kanoka Launching Shield because her creator, Kosmos, lacked the parts for a Rhotuka Launcher. Legend allowed leeway in the collab rules by only requiring the Hagah had some form of launching shield, and this uniqueness among the other entries was incorporated to her lore
  • Additionally, Kadishni was originally built with the Kopaka Uniter mask. It was changed to one of Rothanak’s Akaku models as the original mask did not exist in at the time. As a way to combine both versions, I made it so Kadishni’s mask has silver top-marbling
  • Nalkhi had keetorange added to his Toa form’s color scheme as the Matoran form made by Ven had this color scheme, so I chose to keep the two consistent. I also chose to add an actual spear tip to his Tectonic Spear using the sword part seen on the canon Bomonga model, as my own Bomonga uses a different, blunt-edged one based on a comment I saw someone make that a traditional spear would be hard to use on tiny targets while you’re enlarged
  • Akullore translates to “ice cream” in Albanian
  • Anlyan’s entire concept and design is based on an ant lion larva, and his name is derived from it (“ANT-LIE-YUN” / “AN-LIE-YAN”)
  • Parts of Nia’s design were changed to match a revision of the moc ToaMateo made some time after the book was finished, and to slightly break up the repetitive usage of Matatu’s among 3 different Toa. The Midnex, Mask of Psychokinesis, is one of my own ideas I came up with years ago and gave to my Toa self-moc, Tyre. And the changed shape of Nia’s reforged mask is meant to resemble the RSG Kanohi Matatai, Mask of Bravery, which ToaMateo’s updated version of the moc uses but is not available for
  • Vodan’s name is derived from Vode An, a Mandalorian war chant in Star Wars

Very cool Toa mocs. The lore is really fun to read through and I like that each one is unique.


I really like this lore reference; it’s kind of obscure, and it fits really well with a generalized theme of the Toa Hagah honouring the past (even if he’s only honouring his own accomplishments).