Makuta Spiriah Revamp

Hi everyone!

I don’t have much to say about this one, but here’s a quick revamp I did of everyone’s favorite disgraced Makuta with an inferiority complex, Spiriah. Some inspiration was taken from his official combiner form, such as his mask, feet, wings, and color scheme, but I made some modifications to clean up his design a little. I purposefully chose to have blue pins, red axles, and axles sticking out of his legs to visually have him stand along his other Brotherhood members, though I had to use black axles on his tail, just for aesthetic.

He also CANNOT have anyone combine with him on his back, no matter how strange they may be! The part of this build I’m most please with is how well the Hordika trunk and breastplate can fit with the Phantoka ribcage.

Hope you like him!


This might be my favorite version of him- it stays true to the original without looking ridiculous. Great job!


@Frogbomb518 Hey, that means a lot! Thank you! I’ve seen ‘cooler’ revamps of him before, a lot of really well done ones, but a lot are almost TOO well done. He’s a disgraced Makuta, in my mind he shouldn’t be the bulkiest, most regal, or most intimidating figure. That’s part of why I gave him a hunch. Thanks again for the praise.


Ah, that’s a clever wing design, neat.


@Racie02 Thank you very much! Aside from his torso construction, his wings are the part I’m most proud of.