Size comparison:
I’ll add the backstory later.
He would look a lot better with the mask of shadows as apposed to the smaller rakshi head.
I disagree, but I did show him with it anyway
(Above size comparisons.)
Whatever this is, I like it
This doesn’t seem like Teridax to me. And those shoulders, you really need to get rid of those. They are way too wide man. overall,it’s way too gappy and cluttered imo. Needs a lot of fixing
I understand your opinion, but it looks way worse without his shoulders being so long. And besides it would probably look bod if he was too too bulky
can you show pictures of what it looks like with different shoulders? i’m curious now
It looks way better. you just need to extend the chest armor to the shoulders.
The extended strange shoulders look stange and the arms are far too long but the rest is ok.
Wait, better with or without the shoulders?
without, just need to fix the gappiness and buld the arms up a bit
Ok then
Look very cool, and with the spikes added it looks amazing. nice build too