Note this is my cousins new selfmoc I had build for her as she’s starting to get interested in the story. I had been planning to using this metallic blue and wasn’t going to make this for my cousin at firs. when she asked me to make her one I was messing with this color at the time and she said make it out of that color. So I may not upgrade this moc anytime soon because she’ll be buying it for me. All and all I think it came out great. Let me know what you all think 

Also this one has a fully articulated torso using one of the battle droid joints in the body.
looks really good! honestly love the mask she has too me it looks weirdly cute(???) idk just think it’s a great mask for her
I’ve been meaning to snag the technic super battle droid just for those parts to make my own metallic blue moc, glad you were able to find a good use for them too!
Very well done!
Whoa, the color scheme is awesome! I love the chrome blue, of course, but the light blue of the Bohrok shields and other highlights really elevates the model too. And the four back-arms really make it intimidating and memorable.
Congratulations! I’m glad others enjoyed her!
I did upgrad some things only because my cousin payed me to and so this is the newest upgrades.
Hope you all enjoy

Looking nice! Those limbs with the Furno claws are neat.
My cousin asked me to upgrade her hands on her selfmoc. She felt they were to small, and she wanted them to be bigger like myself moc’s hands, and to have more blue. Thanks to ziontryo’s custom wears, This was possible.
I have to fix somethings before I take more photos, but I will be posting new pictures tempus today.