This is Zaryx, a Makuta scientist stationed on one of the Southern islands. She’s especially fond of her heat vision powers because committing arson is fun. She’ll usually resort to using a pair of arm-mounted blades when threatened, but sometimes she’ll just whack you in the face with her absurdly large Rhotuka-launching glaive if she feels like it.
Oh shooot, that’s good. That torso design is sick, and the consistency of textures on all of the red pieces is great. Those weapons are also pretty fly, and those action poses are sick. My only gripes would be the blocky-ness of the shins, and the positioning of the elbow joint.
Oh? Whats this? A female moc without gross unnecessary features and looks good?
Amazing. I have no complaints. A good design. Even if its just one of your bats wearing a Kanohi.
I slightly echo the feeling of bat relations on this one, but this is a really well done moc, I especially like the foot design, might have to steal that for what Im currently working on. Great job monopoly
Excellent use of Crotesius’s helmet, and the thighs and wrist blades are neat as well. I’m not totally sold on the trans-blue highlights, especially at the knees, but… it uses Antroz wings, which automatically makes it a Good MOC. =P
Lovely Moc full of character, solid colour blocking and thick thi- It’s nice. I’ll second Eilrach in saying maybe more bloo elsewhere but other than that it’s good.
But all the winged Makuta, including Teridax himself look bat-like. How can this be a legitimate complaint when he’s only doing what LEGO did in the first place?
OK. I do think that Teridax’s winged version in the movies looks somewhat like a bat as well. Which makes Zaryx pretty neat, since she has the same wing design!