MakutaFest 2016 Q&A Raffle

I would say The only ttv member who hasn’t had a top ten is exx

I think that the ttv message boards were created on July 6th 2014

I would also think that Eljay has worn 2 mirus publicly

Hmmm… questions, questions questions.

The only TTV member who hasn’t done a top ten? I’m going with exx.
When were the message boards created? July 2014, the 7th (for us Aussies).
How many Miru’s has Eljay worn in public? On-screen, I’m going to say two, although physically meeting fans, I’ll say one.

Good luck everybody!

1 Like
  1. Exx
  2. July 6th, 2014
  3. 2 mirus

Angsty pink… I mean prpl!

I hate me

Oh and for the other questions:

question 2: July 6th, 2014

Question 3: 2 in public

  1. Exx

  2. July 6th 2014

  3. Eljay has worn 2 Mirus, he updated 1

I am known as Luka1184 on BS01 and LukasExemplar on the TTV Boards (as well as Lukas Exemplar on BZP, with a space.)

  1. Exxtrooper.
    1. July 8th, 2014, 5:00 PM EST
  2. On camera three, but in real life only one.
  3. Triggy, and he is known for having had his Impact Crystal Launcher canonized.
  4. Ekimu’s Toa sized form and the Elemental Creatures combining with the Toa.
  5. This text --Luka1184 (talk) 23:38, 13 July 2016 (CET)

The winners have been selected and will be announced in a video later today! Thanks for your participation.
