Makuta's puppets - Toa Hagah (BIONICLE Canon Contest #3: Honor Guard, Part 2 (Art))

What about the changes to Kualus’ Mask of Sensory Aptitude, specifically the additional ridges and indents on the side? That would seem to me like the same issue as changing the Faxon from the custom one to the standard one.


This Bomonga also still uses an entirely different build for the shoulder armor, copying one of the runner-up Bomongas rather than using metru shoulder armor like the winner, which I’d argue is a much bigger deal than just the mask. It also obscures Bomonga’s limbs and shows black balljoints (not the grey hordika necks needed for metru torso limbs) attaching to the upper arms. That might seem like a small thing, but it implies the limbs (which can’t be seen) are entirely different pieces from what the winning moc used.

I’m aware the poster addressed the shoulders earlier by just saying they’re not the wrong build, but you can literally look at them…


I have made the changes asked. I also changed Kualus arm (I didn’t even noticed that the original were black).


Great artwork and color variations!

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