Malazan Book of the Fallen

Now, not many of you will have heard of this, (It would make my day if you have) but let me preface by saying if you enjoy reading Fantasy, I believe you will absolutely love this series. It is 10 books long, and follows the political affairs, and various Conquests of the Malazan Empire. As well as it’s Elite Company, the fabled Bridgeburners. I highly recommend it.


Link to somewhere I can buy?

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Ah yes, I remember reading the first book a while ago, but if what I think I remember about this book actually was this book, then it’s ok, not bad at all, but also nothing totally special. The magic system is really weird if what I remember is the correct memory.

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Perhaps I should give it a read.

So I thought as well, but after reading further, I’ve decided it’s my personal favorite in all the Fantasy I’ve read

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Hm, well, then maybe I should continue - need something new to read for tomorrow anyway and since I just finished the Ryria Chronicles…

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I think you’ll enjoy it, even I found the first book to be kinda meh, But it really sets up the series

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I only hope that it doesn’t get too confusing - because I remember nearly nothing from the first book. Let’s see… there was this desert demon thing, some magical battles and the main characters were hired as guards at some point…?

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Well, there was the T’lan Imass that works with Lorn, Silverfox’s birth on the Rhivi Plain. The Bridgeburners did indeed work as guards.

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I really want to read these, but they’re so hard to find in hardback

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