Marendar, Final Salvation

“They think they have found a new world. How could they know nothing waits for them… but death?”- Angonce, The Yesterday Quest

Old Version

New Version

Ah Marendar, this fella has gone through a lot of trial and error for 2 years now. Between broken computers and creative blocks I almost though I’d never see the end of this moc and I still haven’t yet. But enough rambling, your here for the moc I’d assume.

I wanted Marendar look like a deadly efficient killer but I didn’t want him to look monstrous like many other Marendar mocs are. A machine designed to slay the mightiest heroes should be able to be intimidating without looking like a walking demon. My Marendar attempts to look imposing and menacing so the Toa know they are about to die while retaining a neutral and emotionless visage as not to frighten the people it protects, the Agori. He stands about 2/3 higher than an Inika build as Marendar was described to be a little taller than a Glatorian but not a massive hulk.


For weapons Marendar is armed with an electro rocket like the Exo Toa, a deadly shredding claw, a mask holder, a sword/elemental vacuum, and the reactor on his spine. I imagined that Marendar is not only resistant to elemental attacks but can also absorb and harness a Toa’s energy by siphoning it from them with the cannon on his arm. Once siphoned and channeled he can release from the cannon as a pure elemental beam or harness that power on the same level as a Toa Nuva can use their powers. When using an element the lights on his body would change to said elements respective color. The big claw can also harness elemental energy in the form of deadly element-infused swipes and punches. On Marendar’s back is a Mata head where he can mount the masks of his slain victims and use them as his own. He can retire the masks into who knows where like a walking Suva. The reactor on his back is essentially a very big volatile Nui stone. When a Toa is slain he can absorb their Toa energy and store it within the reactor, making him stronger every time he absorbs a Toa’s energy. If destroyed after having absorbed the power of many Toa it could cause another Shattering (I threw this in to increase the stakes in a fight with this beast).

This guy is far from done and won’t be done for a while longer so I’m up for any ideas/suggestions to add to him. Right now my computer can’t render with studio so pictures will come in the form of screenshots until I can find someone to render him for me.

Extra Pictures

Mask Mount

Infusion Claw/Electro Rocket

Elemental Vacuum/Sword


Close Ups

If this post gets enough attention I’ll release instructions for his current version.


I like the stature of this marendar, that and the colors really remind me of the exo-toa.

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Very nice. It looks more on the mechanical side than most Marendars I’ve seen. Looks pretty good!

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This is really good

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It looks like a big deathbot, so i like it.

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What a big boy he is