Also which toa build is the official height of toa that Marendar is compared to. Toa mata build, toa metru build or toa phantoka/inika build? Marendar twice as tall as toa mata is only a head or so taller than toa inika.
Canonically speaking, all Toa are about the same height. It’s just throughout the years that the Lego released models became larger, not as though the Toa themselves were taller. There are plenty of other canonized models that take this height discrepancy to the extremes- have you heard of Tahtorak?
I would say that it is safe to assume an Inika build as most people (that I’ve seen) generally stay around this height in physical form. Although, there will always be exceptions to this.
To contribute to the main question at hand: a little bit bigger to me has a size limit of 1.5-2 times. Any larger than twice seems like it would be described as being more large than just somewhat-not a lot. But, if you could get a typical answer from Greg that would be cool too for conformation.
I’m of similar mind, though “a bit bigger” coming out of the battle between Teri and Mata Nui I think could even go up to around Botar+ kind of height, since… relatively speaking the scale of how big something can be is certainly up there.
I’m personally hopeful that the height restrictions in contests where a character’s design is ambiguous cease to be since I like seeing stuff be more… open ended and offer more creative wiggle room. Especially given size discrepancies for Tahtorak, the Mata, the Stars… etc.
If and when a Marendar contest happens, I would like to see it to be open ended–If Greg answers yes to the size having the potential of being twice the size of a Toa or more, then it opens up a lot more options for the MOCists that want to enter in case strict height restrictions are in play. If not, then I will pray that they aren’t lol
Hence my wording earlier: “Hypothetically”.
It would take the strict current restriction of size and replace it with something more open ended, allowing for more options.
One thing to keep in mind for the contests is that there’s no strict scale; you could submit a two foot tall build for Orde, and it would be accepted with the understanding that he’s still “Toa-sized” in-universe.
The same applies to Marendar: your build could be any size, but the final canon artwork of it would still be “a bit bigger” than a Toa. Unless the winning artwork includes a Toa, we might not know exactly how much bigger Marendar is.
Hopefully the winning entry will be sized appropriately for us to assume it’s in the recommended Inika scale, but there’s no need for us to develop any minimum or maximum heights.