Marendar The Death that Awaits

Of all the Canon Contests, this was the entry I was most excited for, but oh well. This is my take on Marendar, the salvation of Spherus Magna.

I took a bit of inspiration from Shockwave for his head, but the rest of him is all original. I wanted him also to be vaguely Toa shaped, hence the large gear on his back.

I also wanted him to wield multiple elemental powers simultaneously, and achieved this through some G2 parts, which I think fit well. I worked hard to keep his color scheme very consistent, almost entirely just Metru red, black, and translucent medium blue. His legs and hip connections are something I’m particularly proud of, if I may boast.

I didn’t include too many Bara Magna parts, but included some where I could, namely the Glatorian heads in his shoulder build. I also didn’t want him to look TOO frightening, as like the Bohrok, he wasn’t designed for evil, but was implemented improperly. That’s also why I gave his head a more neutral expression.

All in all, I’m happy with this take on Marendar, and I hope you like him, too! Feel free to leave your thoughts and any critiques below.




@Frogbomb518 Thank you! My photo setup isn’t the best, but he looks even better in person. Glad you like my Marendar!

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The color scheme looks pretty cool and I really like how it looks! Nice moc!
also the parts usage is good.

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@Rukah Thanks a lot! I had fun with the part selection and use.

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Now I would love to buy this… If I could afford it! Great job on your Marendar!

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@DuneToa Thank you very much! I can’t put an exact dollar amount on him, but I would say that he cost about $65 in parts and shipping. Aside from the Croteseus helmets, there aren’t too many expensive parts, nor many hard to find ones. If there’s demand, I might create a part list in the future. Glad you like him!

Very nice use of the trans-light blue here!

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@Enbeanie Thank you! It creates a nice contrast to the Metru red and black, but without clashing. I’ve always been surprised we didn’t see more of this combination in official sets.

ok this is very cool!!!

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@Rhyla416 Much appreciated! Cool is what I wanted to go for, despite the fiery tools.

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very cool moc, the agori helmets make for nice shaping


@Eilrach Thanks a lot! Yes, the helmets were one of my favorite design choices, and a nice way to incorporate the Bara Magna world into the build. Thank you for commenting!


Another fellow cyclops Marendar! Hell yes!

Your color distribution is beautifully balanced and the texturing is consistent. The whole model looks stable too! I love this a lot :relieved:

Canonization is off the table, but the DuckBricks hosted contests will be doing one for Marendar down the line too if you’re interested in giving your design a good show! Would be cool to see yours there :ok_hand:


@Synnova32 Thanks man! That’s some really high, high praise, and it is greatly appreciated. Your Marendar take is so bestial and wicked looking, I actually had to work hard to differentiate mine from yours.

He is SUPER stable, and although I didn’t post a picture of it, he can actually hold a Toa Hagah aloft without tipping over. The single eye thing just felt right, although technically, mine has three eyes; two are in the back of his head.

I will definitely be entering this dude when the time comes, though yours is going to be tough to go up against. Thanks for the heads up!


The knees look pretty good, but I’m not sure about that head. It seems way too blocky and the eye, while cool, is very small and easy to miss. Also, the flames clash a lot with the trans light blue. Overall, the moc is pretty well-build, but could use a few minor adjustments.

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@Cordax Thanks for the compliments and the criticism. I agree about the head, though I will say it looks better in person. To be honest, it’s the part of the build I struggled the most with, so I may take another stab at it.

The flames are actually meant to clash with the translucent medium blue color, as the blue was just meant to be raw power, whereas the various flame colors are specific elements being used by him at that time. I like to think of him as always glowing just a little.

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