Marendar WIP

Shock absorber gang


I’m making a Marendar for the contest as well. I posted mine a few months back but some revisions need to be worked on there. I gotta say, I’m really glad people are going in this direction for Marendar, and it’s not just me. I like the more alien, animalistic look to it instead of just a generic robot. I definitely like the style yours has right now. Maybe a little bit thicker on the legs would be good but honestly it could still work.

The only thing I don’t really like is the gun. The melee weapons work, but if you give him a gun he holds in his hands, then it ironically makes it look less threatening and takes away from the animalistic feel your Marendar had.

I also think maybe you can use a bigger CCBS shell than the one you’re currently using. It’s head seems a bit small to me but up to you


they’re being used elsewhere you’ll see soon enough

@Pylonmadness the gun isn’t necessarily meant to be one of his weapons,

but thanks for nice words

Edited for Double Post - BioKnight

thought i would do a quick post of what he currently looks like


Looking really good, will you ever put colour in? If so what colour?

probably not, but i’ll consider it

I think the mechanical construction looks very intimidating and cool, and also makes a lot of sense for the character. I think the yellow/black color scheme worked really well to emphasize the mechanical aspect, but the current one is porbably even more intimidating! :slight_smile:

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so, just curious, would any of you vote for this?


Depends on what the competition is.


To me, it just feels a bit boring. It’s just a generic grey/black cyclops robot, which is a surprising common design I’ve seen for Marendar. There’s nothing really that stands out to me about him.

I’ll be honest, I prefer the very first design you had going, with the cool gappy shoulder frames with shock absorbers, the black visor-looking head and the nice use of an industrial yellow. His super-wide shoulders and stick-thin legs somehow made him seem powerful just through the sheer contrast of proportions. That Marendar stood out from the crowd.

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It’d difficult to say if I’d vote for it, since I’ve not seen any of the other potential entries. I will say, I do like the torso/head on the latest version; reminds me of the Geth from Mass Effect.

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Really cool, just seems a bit thin and skeletal. A kanohi or a HF helmet would be nice tbh. Really loce the direction where the moc is, just wish if it was a bit more bulky

@GoodGuy2006 Much better, (personaly) I wish he still had a bit of yellow). Basicly all problems where fixed. He looks a bit mean tho , wish there was more color like yellow

AND YES i will vote, it looks f sick!

Edited for Double Post- Prentice1215


since i’ve been mentioning it a lot in the contest topic, thought i would make the image bigger and more noticeable
he’s still put together, and i don’t intend on ever taking him apart.


Remember to put this picture to the top as well. so people visiting this post do not have to scroll all the way down to see the final version.

good idea

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Really great, the lanky proportions definitely help this version to stand out compared to other Marendars.

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alrighty i did it

okay actually the moc i was using them on is using pistons now so


So cool seeing how far this has come

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