
Greg said this on the TTV messageboards


If I’m reading this right, this is a statement on the function of some kind of specifically anti-toa adaptability, or in other words, Marendar’s power rather than anything physically instructive. He’s not saying he looks like a Sentinel, just that the dynamic between toa and Marendar would be similar.


Well, it says that Marendar had “specionalized weaponry,” but I suppose that could be interpreted a lot of different ways.

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That’s the only part I can grant, but even that’s far too vague to form any tangible expectations over appearance. G1’s had everything from vehicle mounted light cannons to literally one’s own claws designated as official weapons. As a personal preference I’ll say this, I’d hope whatever specialized anti-toa weaponry is granted to an enigmatic plot tease like Marendar ends up more imaginative than, like, a gun. Or worse, another frikkin explosives launcher.


Are the horns white or silver? In some pictures they look white to me, but in others they look silver.

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I wasn’t sure which one I liked better so I took a couple pics where the horns were white and some where they were silver. Still haven’t decided which I wanted to see, but I’m making a new one so it doesn’t matter

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I have a perfect idea for a weapon!

One simple word: quillotine.

It is classic, unique and 110% unexpected. Toa will never see it coming :wink:


Woah, this looks really cool! So cool, in fact, that I think it’d be a perfect fit for the GHIDONICLE Fanon Contest #2! The contest allows for pre-existing entries and I would love to see it entered.


Much appreciated! Although I’m pretty sure if you would have to paint pieces if you built this moc in real life, so I don’t think it qualifies anyway lol

Plus I’m making a new Marendar, so I’m not as enthusiastic about putting this out there.



are you still in the Cyclops Marendar Club tho


Lol good question. No idea what I’m going to do for the face. I made this marendar to look more organic than everything I saw before for the character since I figured if marendar is supposed to kill toa, how is he supposed to fight a toa of iron or magnetism if he’s more mechanical than bio.

I might go the opposite direction from an organic alien demon thing with one eye to a holy looking warframe with no eyes, or mouth.

Or go harder on the organic idea. Who knows


I’m really digging the horror theme.


Hey! Much appreciated! Glad you like it