Dark Tan Shadow Matoran
Swamp of Secrets Mutated Shadow Matoran #1
Swamp of Secrets Mutated Shadow Matoran #2
Teal Shadow Matoran
Swamp of Secrets Mutated Shadow Matoran #3
My mind is blown
These all look great!
@TheTDChronicler , thanks for your support!
stay tuned for a lot more shadow matoran, some Av matoran, Toa of Shadpw and 2008 Toa revamps and a multitude of Makuta and even some vehicles and 2008 stlye rahi!
wow nice! did you order 2 Kraakhans of every colour?
thanks very much @Orion2020 I buy them in bulk, so more than 2 per color, that being said many new colors are produced that I have yet to buy