Master Hand

A mysterious glove-like entity that is a recurring boss in the Super Smash Bros. video game series.

This model uses the Winston bigfig arms as fingers and Jenny helmets as fingertips.


That looks really cool.
Well done.

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Thanks, figured it would grab someone’s attention.


I see what you did there.


Errie quite errie

Not sure what pieces you used for the fingers but they work really well. Are they Big Fig arms of some kind?

EDIT: I am an idiot and didn’t read the post properly.

The first image looks quite creepy

Very nice parts usage

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Gives me PTSD when he goes for that grab

Rather nice, an dthough it’s not as smooth as the character, that’s incredibly hard to do with LEGO and this looks to be the best way to do it.

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Great job! I can already hear his laugh in the back of my mind.

You thinking of making another one for Crazy Hand?

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Probably not. All you’d need to do is open this up in gimp/photoshop and use the mirror tool to get crazy hand.

Good point. Prolly not too easy to build an accurate one either given the positioning of his fingers.

Still, love this MOC, cheers :beers:

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