I know that people are invested in things like Lego’s 90th anniversary event as the route to get a Bionicle set but I truly believe an idea like the GSR can make it. The GSR and the event of it’s rising is one of my strongest memories of Bionicle and right from becoming a fan of Bionicle I wanted to build it and do it justice. So it’s here. It doesn’t cost anything to vote and I’m willing to hear feedback on updates/improvements that can be made.
Please share this project, together we can make the legend a reality!
Edit: as a bonus here’s the more poster accurate version (Lego ideas found it too hazy):
17 Feb update: Just wanted to say it’s nearly at 5000 supporters but the rate of support has slowed to a crawl. If you can, please support this and spread the word about this, if you want to see this become a reality!
Thank you for your kind words! I agree about appeal, most people like a giant robot!
Also lol I can’t tell if your serious about the shooters but I’ll see if they can fit in the hands or maybe one in the chest for the ‘mask of life’
Thanks, I’m not sure if there would be much point releasing instructions seeing as there’s several re-colours plus some ‘collisions’ that should work irl but I can’t test. But I suppose I’d release instructions regardless.
You have my support on ideas, and it is really good MOC, but:
More triangular, wedge-like mouth shape should be there. It is close to impossible in that scale, but maybe a system cone can catch the shape of lower jaw nicely.
I see why you’ve done it, but I think that shoulders should have the joint slightly upper, so pieces do not prevent poseability, there is no gap and it looks even more like the original.
And there’s small gaps here, but they are not a big deal.
I hope hard that it gets needed support and gets approved by Lego!
Thank you for your suggestions! The shoulders are definitely an area I’m not happy with, and moving the joint up should do the trick-although it may make it weaker as there’s lots of hidden technic on either side-but we’ll see what happens. As to the mouth I don’t quite understand the cone but I’ll try it.
Not just support but share! I’ve been crunching the numbers and if everyone who votes tells one or two friends that would be doubling the votes and speed up the process!
I have a fun idea for this, put spring loaded missile shooters in its eyes and add a function in the back of the head to shoot them to mimic the GSR’s laser eyes. We may be grown now but its always fun to play around with play features.