Beyond the borders of the Matoran island there exist many more islands and continents. In a time long ago, the great god emperor, Mata Nui, rules these lands with an iron fist. Having taken away most of the inhabitants free will, and built a system that made sure that order was kept. Mata Nui later had three sons, Ekimu, Makuta and Karzahni and for each one of them, he gave them a special gift. For Ekimu it was creation, for Makuta; control and for Karzahni the ability to see into the future. However, none of Ekimu’s creations were able to exist for long periods of time; Makuta could only control that which had no will to begin with, and Karzahni could just see the futures he wanted to see, but which could never happen.
Because of this, the three brothers decided to take the gifts they deserved from their father, and thus at the fateful day, put him in an eternal sleep. After they had taken enough power away from Mata Nui to improve upon their original gifts, they then left his body and the empire he had made to experiment with their new abilities.
But while the brothers traveled away, and with Mata Nui no longer around to rule over them, the empire fell into anarchy, with many factions forming to take over in the chaos, this sparked a great war that devastated many of the islands and killed billions of people. The battle continues to this day, but with the factions having now united into several realms. One of these is lead by the Barraki, six powerful warlords.
art by @Oomatu
The Barraki are the descendants of six faction generals from the war and rules the Mahri Empire. Their sworn enemy is Queen Roodaka, ruler of the Vortixx Kingdom.
Ehlek:Yo Yo, Barraki!
No, but in all seriousness, a fantastic work of art for a fantastic brickonicle proposal.
Um yes, hello? Yeah I’d like five of these. Ironically, I’ve actually considered using the Piraka as pirates in my own story, but this is a cool usage of these characters, definitely.
Hey, continue with your story with the Piraka. Currently i have not though about them in this pitch. By the way, the Barraki here are not mutated, they are just wearing animal styled armor, which is a part of their culture.
Hmm I’m sensing something like this too happen in the future
Man i really dont like the three brothers. They’re huge punks.
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I can envision these guys attacking the Toa while they are sailing out to investigate the lightning village.
Though I liked the idea of the Barraki being transformed to some capacity, these designs (use of masks/helmets) look stunning and fit better with the Toa/Matoran aesthetic.
Carapar’s mask looks a little off with the beak like extrusion and he could be a little more bulky. Color distribution looks great.
Pridak’s mask looks a little too flat (like a star?) and rounded, it would benefit from being a little more angular.
Ehlek looks really good but I would really like the spike aesthetic to be carried down his back or on his shoulders with an armor piece.
Mantax looks really good, no nitpicks here.
Takadox…blew me away. I can’t stop looking at him and would love to own him as a minifigure. That mask is so intimidating with its alien-skull-like look, I am sold.
Kalmah’s color scheme looks a bit off but other than that looks great.
Cough cough SHUSHI COUGH
Sorry I must have gotten something in my throat.
Was Takadox’s mask inspired by the Sycorax perchance? I’m seeing some similarities myself.
For reference:

I don’t think so. You’ll have to ask Oomatu about that.
hmm @AntrozT6 already made a barraki pitch
so? There is no rule that say there can only be one Barraki pitch.
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