Matoran of Artakha part 2

More matoran from the legendary island of Artakha the main reason for a part two is so i don’t push myself with trying to remember everything about characters so expect some more in the near future.

the following matoran represent the elements of lightning, plasma, and stone with each serving an important role on the mythical island of Artakha.

First up is Contour a po matoran from metru nui. He was chosen by mere accident as he was having a dispute with akmou over a sabotaged statue made to honor the Toa mangai. this argument caught the attention of a vo matoran from artakha in which they decided to judge the two matoran based on fresh new statues with no possible way of either trying to sabotage the others with the help of vahki enforcers. In the end contour won and managed to head to the island of Artakha and worked there as a stonemason due to his unique habit of making sure not even the smallest detail is left out on a statue many po matoran back on po metru claimed he had OCD but were never able to confirm it. During the raid of Artakha Contour managed to escape but his kakama was damaged by an unknown matoran causing him to replace his mask with a black matatu and return to Metru nui under a new name in which he would forget about Artakha and his tome on the island.

Next is kaija a vo matoran who almost met an unfortunate fate. kaija always enjoyed the sea more then their fellow matoran of lighting even having conflicting thoughts about who they personally were inside. this thought almost had them ending up on karzahni as it distracted them from their job back on their home island before running into Artakha who had chosen kaija to be the captain of a ship that would bring supplies to Artakha from the rest of the matoran universe. This random act of fate acutally helped kaija feel more them self then then before as they took command of the ship “heaven gifts” and made sure no one dare discover the location of Artakha. During the raid kaija helped evacuate the entire island as best they could bringing them directly to the order of mata nui in order to decide what to do with them. Kaija stayed with the order and kept bringing supplies to Artakha with their crew after the swore secrecy.

last but not least is Calibur the captain of the guard on Artakha. It was honestly impossible to have Toa on Artakha as the legend in which the island was named after made sure no harm would ever come to the chosen matoran on his island. However that didn’t stop Calibur as he wanted to protect matoran is well in which it actually helped Artakha as the matoran chosen to be part of the Artakhan guard are able to decide if any matoran projects on the island are to dangerous to be made. Calibur is also a very heavy tinkerer and inventor as he was able to make a prototype jectpack which he allowed the av matoran of karda nui to improve upon seeing the situation they can be in sometimes. He is also a firm believer in the 3 virtues and even claimed the ko matoran sora would be an excellent toa at times in which most laughed at the thought including sora himself as he never saw himself fit to be a toa however he appreciates the thought. The raid on Artakha was the most brutal for Calibur with his forces spread to far apart to form a stable defence he had to use all of his gadgets in order to succeed in defending the avokii and the island. In the end he failed and lost half of those who volunteered to be part of the Artakhan guard to an unknown and twisted matoran he became a member of the order of mata nui and hunts down the matoran that managed to escape the order and his clutches vowing to seek justice for those who have fallen

Feel free to comment any thoughts or opinions about the characters and builds I enjoy hearing what people have to say


Nice! I especially like the color blocking on Calibur!
The other two are good as well

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Changed Catagory

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Very cool, i like Calibur best though, because Su-Matoran are awesome.


Are you sure its not because it has your mask

These are pretty cool.

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