Hello, in this moc contest the objective is to show how well you can make a Toa that looks like a true evolution of their matoran form, or vice-versa. It doesn’t even have to be matoran to toa, it can also be agori to glatorion or even toa to titan. Just make a small figure and a larger figure that look like they are the same person, but also do appear to have grown to a new form. I’ll start it off with Onipa’s matoran and toa forms, and then post another one later. You can enter as many times as you want, and the winner will get a free copy of “Bio-Tube the Video Game”, when I am done making it, that is, so don’t expect it soon.
@Sammythekat Yeah, I won’t be deciding before the 21st, probably closer to July 4th (happy Independence Day, whoever the winner is). My birthday is actually on the 21st, so I wouldn’t be deciding then anyway.
You can make it however you want as long as there are two forms of the same character, although I really still don’t understand what you meant in the question.