I made my first MOC (spinax not included) and I thought to share it here. Also apology for lack of apropriate mask, but I just never owned the set. I hope you like it .
I’d recommend working on the proportions. As is he has massive legs and wide hips with a fairly average sized upper body.
The shoulders should be wider, and the torso should be longer. Either that or you can make the legs more proportionate.
1st moc aye? Pretty good. I’m assuming you have only ccbs pieces so you’ve done well with what you have. Creative part usage, I like the upside down feet to fill the gaps near the knees and the furno mask-kinda matches maxilios face. I think to improve maybe make the body longer to match maxilios tall appearance and try to get some more red to replace the white.
First MOC?!
Oh it’s great! I love especially leg!
This kinda makes me jealous, because my first MOC didn’t look as good as yours
For real, you have used the pieces you had in such creative ways. I especially like how you created the character’s skirt with blades and filled up the gaps in the torso and legs with those HF feet.
The proportions are wonky for sure, but in a good, charming way. He almost reminds me of some Bionicle G1 combiners like Toa Kaita.
You guys are so, so nice
. I never thought that I will receive such a great reception. I also apriciate every point out of what to work on. You guys are so nice
like @NOTaHFfan said, I like the kaita-esque look. the blades near the hip make that area look cluttered, and I would recommend beefing up the arms a bit. otherwise, this looks good!
He do be thicc tho
But for real, You used building techniques I can tell you personally came up with and that’s always awesome. Keep on keepin on and you’ll be a great moc-ist!