MecGal: Elite Comando Frang

Frang was created by the Grandmasters to enforce the law, lead on the battle field and serve the. Grandmasters’ will.
He is one of the 9 Elite comandos. Each of them has a special number. Frang is assasin 8. Each of the Elite comandos are also called assasins.
Elite comandos have more intelligence than most Ormechan’s (his species’ name).
Frang also has super strength and this allows him to lift heavy objects, hit hard, and run fast.
He wields a modified standard blaster so that it can accept a particular type of bullet, Valkyrie Bullets.

Learn more about his story because I’m to lazy to rewrite chapter one here: MecGal Chapter 1: Grand Introductions!

C&C are welcome


He’s really bare bones and not that impressive.


For two pieces

I agree with @RogueToa and as for the short story I don’t think you actually know what the word “immensely” means.

Also I believe that if you truly spend more time into making Mocs instead of bare bones you can make something better than being this simple


Bare bones are r being a simple ccbs moc which is gappy.