I’ve been working hard on this beauty for the past couple days now.
Story: Medusa isn’t the terrifying creature of legends, rather she is a young, timid priestess who was forced to take up arms against a rising evil that came with Crotos, The Lantern Bearer’s arrival to the island. Medusa is actually a lamia, meaning she does not the possess the powers of the Mythical Medusa. However, she is still very agile and capable of ambushing any of her prey with ease. Overall, she’s just your standard snake girl. And what better name for a snake girl than Medusa?
EDIT #1: Updated pictures to show final design, which includes fixed shoulders, an edited bow, and some other minor changes.
EDIT #2: Built a new piece that connects her tail to her body, rebuilt her chest, and gave her new hands.
EDIT #3: Built an entirely custom head. What do you guys think, do you like this new head or the old head? Feedback is very much appreciated! Inspiration for the head build
She’s based off of Medusa from Greek Mythology, and I had a lot of fun experimenting with using system parts for her head and hair, especially the octopus pieces. My apologies if the pictures aren’t great, this is my first time posting a new topic and I don’t have a setup specifically for taking pictures. Thanks for checking out my topic!
EDIT #4: Gave her a bow for her hair and replaced all the translucent green studs with solid green studs. Built custom forearms.
EDIT #5: Replaced her “Nuva boobs” with rakshi heads, rebuilt her back, and rebuilt the tail armor.
Maybe, although I may be able to use the two axles that are poking out from under her breastplates to bulk up her sides, though you can’t see them in the pics. I’ll probably edit a picture of her bulked up when I get a chance to work on her some more.
Absolutely love the inclusion of the Lego Octopus for the hair. That was a very creative move there.
Unfortunately, I can’t say I like the rest of the build. The tail with the blacks and whites look passable, but the end of the tail, start of the tail, and the torso are very cluttered and don’t look good. The chest looks very awkward. Unsure what you were trying to do with the face there.
Overall, very flawed MOC, highlighted by a creative use of a piece.
Thanks for your input! I was really out of my comfort zone when I built this, and it definitely shows. My better MOCs are all WIP right now, but it shouldn’t be too much longer before I can unveil them to the Boards.
The dark blue printing of the Kopaka Uniter torso doesn’t really mesh well with the rest of the color scheme. Might want to swap it out for one of the blank ones introduced in HF and continue to build off of that if needed.
The same can be said for Pohatu Master’s weapons on the bow, in addition to not appearing stable enough to keep posed correctly due to the moveable hinge. Personally, I would’ve gone with black versions of the horn pieces featured in Pyrox or Umarak.
@Leoxander I’ll take that as a compliment I’ve had a little bit of an obsession with Medusa and Lamias in general, so building one was a little challenging as the build style I tried out was way outside my building comfort zone.