Meet the Maker: MOC Contest Results (BIONICLE Canon Contest #2)

Can’t believe how big of a gap there is between Entries 5 and 6 for First Preference. I would’ve thought it’d be a lot closer than that.


Just for being insistent, how were the results of the first and second place after implementation of the ranked voting process?

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Hey, this time I voted for the winner. I’ll be honest, I also expect WholesomeGadunka to have a bigger support but the true is, the majority of users just vote and that’s it, they don’t comment.


And so we have our monolithic builder. Many congratulations, @Connor_Hoffman! Here’s to seeing a trove of great entries in the upcoming art/mask contest.


The literal meaning of the words is the canon definition.

We know the armour has letters on it and the mask has patterns.
(And generally, runes wouldn’t be referred to as “patterns”.)

Sure, there could be additional things on the mask / armour that weren’t mentioned. But it would seem strange to me if runes were on both armour and mask, but the passage describing them only mentioned the ones on the armour.

My thoughts: Since the mask pre-dates the MU, the cultural designs suggest it acted as something like a blueprint for MU society. So the designs may relate to roles Matoran needed to fulfil - farming, fishing, crafting, maintenance etc. So sections could be shaped like plants, waves, ore, machinery etc.

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About that:

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The term ‘armour’ could include the mask.

Of course, it is also possible that the term ‘armour’ does not include the mask.

If you’re going to argue based on ‘the literal meaning’, you can’t also be using words like ‘could’ or ‘to me’.

And ‘the literal meaning of the words’ say nothing about the existence, or lack thereof, of runes on the mask.

Besides, there are a number of reasons the runes may have been mentioned on the armour, but not the mask:

1: The mask is described in a different sentence from Artakha himself, so the focus would be on different things. For Artakha himself, perhaps the most noticeable feature is the runes, while the runes on the mask are overshadowed by the intricacy of the design.

2: The runes on Artakha himself are likely wildly different from any hypothetical runes on the mask, since they were created at different times, for different purposes. So the runes on the mask are not seen as part of the runes on Artakha, and they are not worth mentioning on their own.

At the end of the day, I think the appearance of runes should be judged on a case-by-case, personal basis.

I, for example, would be okay with runes setting out a blueprint for the Matoran Universe, but I would not be okay with the runes on the mask matching the ones on Artakha. I would also be fine with no runes.


Taking “writing something on your hand to remember it” to a whole new level.

Is carving things into your armore basically the bionicle equivalent of a tattoo?


This time last MOC contest, I was dreading the resaults. This time I was excited. Can’t wait to see all the art on this guy, and congrats to the winner


It wasn’t my first choice, not gonna lie, but the winner is a truly masterpiece; it’s complexity serves well the character and the overall design fits the “regal” requirement for the contest.



Oh, I forgot it, thank you!
I can’t wait the art-contest… :blush:


Man, this Contest was great! :+1:

First off, thanks a ton to @Mesonak, @Eljay, @Kini_Hawkeye, and everyone else from TTV who helped make this fan’s pipe dream a reality! :slightly_smiling_face: :smiley: :smile: :+1::fireworks::confetti_ball::balloon: :tada: :sparkler: (Looking forward to doing it again. :wink: :+1:)

Congratulations to @Connor_Hoffman! :+1: :beers:
Yours is truly a great entry. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1: Congratulations on making Canonical History. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1::fireworks:

And finally, thanks to @Solaris_Magnus. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:
You showed my MOC such great support in this contest (you really know how to lift someone up, man :+1:), heck,- you saved my entry from an uninformed quit short of the finish line to begin with;:smiley: :+1: and it was an honor to discuss and debate canon in a positive fashion with such a fine fellow as yourself. :slightly_smiling_face: :+1:


Wow, that model is really cool. Too bad Lego couldn’t make that as an actual set.


There were a lot of entries in this contest that I really liked, and more than a few that I really, really liked. And though it may not have been my first choice at some points in the contest, I think this was ultimately the best choice in the competition. It’s got my favorite color combo, a solid build that combines all sorts of parts into a cohesive whole, and a look that I think most people can agree fits into the Bionicle universe while also standing out with a tough yet regal figure.

I’m really looking forward to the art contest, particularly to see all the different takes on the Mask of Creation. I think the general shape of the 3D printed one on this MOC is already fantastic, so I’d be happy if nothing changed except the runes/patterns/etc. to better fit the canon description. But hey, I haven’t seen the art yet, so I have no clue how outstanding the designs could end up being in comparison. It’s definitely going to be a fun contest to observe.


If you’re super based and redpilled and entering in the art contest, hear me out:

Deliberately misinterpret this line to mean that each of the “shapes and designs” on the mask reflects one culture in the MU — but they all reflect the same one, the Matoran culture

Epic win am i right


Yyeessss. Congrats @Connor_Hoffman
Time to draw dis masterpiece.


Congratulations Connor, I was really hoping that this one would win and indeed it did, bravo!

And it’s not like everybody else’s was bad either. I saw some other really great looking ones, like the entries from WholesomeGadunka, REZO-MOCS, and gerou100 for example.

It’s just, in my personal opinion, Connor had the best look when it came to execution of how I would envision the character me personally, but you guys also had some really great builds and designs, like I said, even if they weren’t exactly how I personally envisioned the character, you guys should still be proud of your MOCs, and at the end of the day, most people still did a very nice job regardless of what I’ve already pointed out before-hand.


I agree.
It will may has be changed other design, but I love the Mask’s rune! :smile:

The reason of I like the runes is not only this.
The rune looks like G2’s language, but interesting thing is here.

(Maybe this is already noticed by brothers and sisters of BIO-fan, though)
In MoL, unamed Matorans has a common design body.
Jaller, hahli, and Takua has unique body, but check Takua’s.
There is strange pattern at his chest, and this is similar to G2’s rune.

And there is also a profile that Sidorak knows the dirty words of “ancient language”.
This means that there is at least an “ancient language” in addition to the Matlan language.
and I guess it’s the “old programming language” that GB used in the early days of MU development:prototype of Matoran’s.

Takua and Mask of creation is very ancient one.
both has created before Great Spirit Robot has finished, then I don’t wonder the “strange runes” has be written to it, if it’s truly old plogramming language.

off course this is just my delusion. but it feels me fun to researching BIONICLE’s world!
In any case, I’m really looking forward to seeing great works in art contest! :smile: :smile: :blush: :blush: :revolving_hearts: :revolving_hearts:


That’s a brilliant observation about Takua’s torso. I wonder if we can find other disparate patterns from other media to include. A Skrall-esqu design immediately comes to mind.


Thank you CalamitousT!
off course this is my guess(I confirmed, but in fact the Takua pattern did not match the G2 alphabet. but very similar in shapes)!
but researching BIO-World is most fun hobby to me! :stuck_out_tongue: :heart:

P.S. I comfirmed again the runes of KhingK’s Mask of creation, but it not match to the G2’s. (He commented that the rune is its own custom alphabet)
But this may means Takua’s and Mask of Creation’s rune is same language!(off course The mask doesn’t still become cannon. this is Completely my playing word and delusion! LOL) :sweat_smile: :sweat_smile:

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