I want him to be looks similar to my og teridax
Mmph beautiful. Love the way that piston goes through the hero factory leg armor
same! also the cape is a nice touch
Outstanding work! I love this!
@Takutanuva @Eilrach Yeah I was inspired by tf1 blackout leg design!
@Powers0016 Thank you!!
you have clearly outdone yourself. This is just incredible. Great job
That chunky G1 goodness is simply glorious here. My only real criticism is that the lower arms seem a little skimpy compared to that absolute juggernaut of a leg design. Awesome job.
@rememberthekanohi nano tech… you outdone yourself peter
@TheMOCingbird Yeah arm is the weakest point of my all mocs…
Oooo, he can hold the hammer in one hand without touching the ground, unlike the orginal.
That’s goood (In Jangbricks’ intonation, maybe somebody will understand).
It looks like both the looks and stability were improved here, which is a great feat.
I wonder if you used rubber bands anywhere, because I don’t see any.
The inclusion of a superman-esque cape is such a nice touch.
@Lesnichiy I can hear that in jangs voice lol
I didn’t used any rubber band. I don’t like that because it feels like cheating
@Enbeanie yo Thank you!!
@Bukkey OMG I love your work sir! Thank you!!!
Utterly incredible.
ooh this looks quite good. I really like the use of parts to get this bulky, intimidating frame.
@ToaNoah_Wafflemeister @Rukah Thank you guys!!!