still redrawing all my awful old art
his claws look like lil bugs
You know, I’m really torn on this one tbh.
On one hand, it’s much more well drawn, your progress is very evident… especially in terms of the pose, here it looks more natural. The old version does have that prominent Michael Jackson stance
On the other hand though, I like your older design better. The yellow triangular pauldrons and the hoses connecting the weapons to the leaking tanks on the back create a much more striking silhouette. Plus, I think that the old head is a lot more expressive and has a nicer shape. It also fits Meltdown’s character better.
But the new claws and whip look much better and resemble the set more
I had fully intended to have this version keep the hoses but it seems I just forgot to draw them
also the reason I changed the head is because I really hated the jaw on the original
however there does seem to be something missing, so I’ve added the triangle ear things back
Oh yes, this is such an improvement
transformers animated: the image
Derrick J. Wyatt’s artsyle: The image
Aka the best transformers show: the image
an improvement in many ways
still I like the arm cannon of the other one
looks neat
very nice. Still very leggy, but less so than the original. I like the weapon and head details, neat job.
A very clear and marked improvement
His left elbow is somehow in front of his claw. It doesn’t look like an extension of his arm, it looks like he’s an amputee with a bug under his stump.