Meso's AMA

When will the first episode of this new show, Mesonak, be released?


When did this obsession with skulls begin?

Where would you be in life right now, if you were never introduced to Bionicle?

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Do you think the 2015 miru is a dumb mask?

What’s your favorite video game?

@Chro June 31st, 2015. Get hype!

@Leoxandar_Magnus IDK, probably around the time I got heavily into RPGing back on BZPower and had to put a lot of thought into my character. Ironically enough, my characters in those RPGs never used a skull, because the lack of a mask handicapped my character, but it made me give a lot of thought to the character of Mesonak and what I really wanted him to be. Perhaps I’ll disclose my expansive backstory at some point whenever I’m bored and feel like actually writing something up.

@Rockho Quite honestly, I cannot even begin to imagine the answer to this question. BIONICLE, BZPower, TTV, and all the friends I’ve met in these last 7 years have changed me forever as a person. My interests, skills, aspirations, hobbies, even my personality… all of it has been influenced by the BIONICLE brand and the fan communities that spawned from it. I would be unrecognizable as a person today had BIONICLE never entered my life. For better or worse, who knows; but the Mesonak you know today would not live’n’breathe.

@Oniwah Slightly less dumb than the OG Miru, but still dumb nonetheless. Serious talk, it’s probably my least favorite out of all the new masks.

@Shaymin36 It’s impossible for me to narrow down a favorite video game solely because of the wealth of sub-genres that particular form of media has to offer. I’ve probably played more Destiny in the last half year than anything else, so there’s that; that doesn’t mean it’s my favorite game, though. I can, however, rattle off a list of my favorite franchises!

  1. Halo
  2. Ace Attorney
  3. Metroid
  4. Mass Effect
  5. Mario



Hey Meso, might I ask, which is your favourite Protector? (set-wise).
And, by extension, which 2015 set (Toa, Protector, even LoSS) is your favourite?

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What do you think you’d be doing now if you weren’t the head of TTV?

I you were in a zombie apocalypse and had to choose one TTV cast member to be your partner who would it be and why?

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I love you.



I thought he already does.

Do you do drugs?

@legomaster1378 I enjoy all the Protectors equally except for the Water Protector who I think is a step below the rest. LoSS is probably my favorite set from the wave subjectively, although I recognize he has many flaws. My favorite Toa is Onua.

@Willess12 I quite honestly have no clue.

@Oniwah Eljay because he would make for an excellent distraction/sacrifice in the event of our untimely demise.

@TenebraeInvictus LOL

@Shaymin36 No.



I thought everybody understood by now you can only ask the topic starter questions

Edit: Unless you were asking Meso, then nevermind

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we’re not supposed to ask him questions

We’re only supposed to ask him ?s and whatnot

EDIT: And things’n’such




Oh shoot you’re right, looks like everyone’s been asking him the wrong things all along

I was. -_-

Who’s Kini?


What is your favorite type of weapon?