Metes Mech, Model 600N

This is Metes personal Mech.


Side: (Click on the picture to see it in full size!)


It’ also able to use It’s sunglasses/eyes/visual sesors as a boomerang:

Here is a picture of Mete and the mech fighting a Shoggoth. Because that is apperently what you do when you have a mech.

And this is Mete how Mete gets in and out of his Mech:

I hope you enjoyed my MOC. Please leave (constructive) critcism below!


I feel… observed.

I like it! As a fan of Metru blue, I have to say that I find the color scheme very pleasing, and the build overall is very nice.


Thank you. I’m, as one can easily to tell, a big fan of Metru blue too.

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I don’t know. The armor layering looks a bit chunky, and messy overall. I don’t recommend using double joints for the knees, as it restricts movement. The whole MOC has no set shape so it just looks jumbled. The arms are also lanky looking, in comparison to the legs. This would be better if the arms were shorter, or wider. Think of the exo-toa. The part that is highlighted (the mouth and eyes) are white, so they contrast well, but don’t have a good silhouette. If the teeth stood out at the top and that shape was visible, it would be better.

But that’s just my opinion, If you want to grow as a MOCcist, learn from past MOCs and improve on them.

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@Xing1870: Is this better? (I’ll post more picttures once I’ve got enough feedback.)

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The armor flows a lot better! I’m not sure what you did with the knees, though. More pictures would be nice.

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I put the smallest kind of bone piece with a friction-extenderbetween the upper and lower leg. This allows for side-to-side movement.

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I’m sensing Gurren Lagann… especially with the boomerang thing.

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All that buetifull metru blue… Lucky

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@Omega_Tahu: Good that someone niticed it. XD
@DigitalDeath3321: Thank you, but why am I lucky? I just bought all of the Metru blue from one store on bricklink.

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