And then you realize on of your transparent limbs broke and you just have to order one off of bricklink.
When you order a new limb, put it on, and end up cracking the balljoint.
Found this on BIONICLE | VK
rip matoro RIP Balljoints
Try modeling cement.
I haven’t tried it for Lego but have for other things.
It literally melts plastic together.
you disgust me
Why? You allergic?
I believe I mentioned this earlier, but modeling cement is cheap and effective,
However, the fumes are slightly toxic in liquid form, but it’s fine when it dries.
Umm you may wanna be careful with modeling cement, some of it is way too strong for lego
If polystyrene (which is very weak) can handle it, abs should.
Well I use Zap-a-Gap, which my dad said could eat away at lego pieces
I use Tamiya modeling cement, which is extremely high quality and makes it so you’re not screwed if you mess up.
I use this. It’s designed for automotive repair, but it works well with LEGO plastic.