Metroid Series

new overview trailer.

Auto captions called her Samsha

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two new trailers were released for dread today.
direct trailer with some incredible orchestral music

2006 marketing incarnate that absolutely slaps

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I just hope this isn’t a 60$ game that’s only 10 hours long.

well, that entirely depends on how long it takes you to play

Metroidvanias are not usually limited to having a minimum or max amount of gameplay time, and most you can play at your own pace

Yes, but maps can be big, maps can be small. There can be a lot of items, and there can be a few.

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For Metroid titles, taking 10 hours would be pretty average.
My first playthroughs of all the games were all between 9-12 hours.
I wouldn’t realistically expect much more than that.


My fellow Metroid fans, in less than 24 hours the game informer prophecy from 2005 shall finally be fulfilled.

All hail the informed gamer

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This will be fun.


finished Metroid Dread two days ago. Man, was it a fun, but difficult game.

And i did not expect that final portion of the game.


How many hours?

I think I completed the game in at least… Nine hours. At least according to the game, for me it felt like it took me much longer.

Interesting. Is there a lot of stuff left for you to do, or no?

still haven’t collected all of the items in every area of the game.

i had a friend back in 07-09 who tried to get me into metroid so hard, but i was disinterested in anything that wasn’t bionicle, spider-man, or transformers. well, here i am lavama: 14 years after the fact lol

i don’t think kid me would’ve enjoyed these games, but i’m currently loving it. i’m playing all of them bc i have a current buddy in my friend group who loves metroid but no one else in our group has played them, so he has no one to talk to about it. i 100%ed zero mission, doing item cleanup in metroid 2, then moving onto super metroid, really excited to reach dread.


my 100% playthrough took me around ten hours to complete, but for someone who has never played a metroidvania it may take longer.

there is a pretty sus blank area on the world map which many have theorized could have an entirely new area added in with dlc.

so that’s pretty gaming.


just finished 100%ing dread last night (8hr 13min on my initial playthrough with 100% items, 3hr 48min on my second normal playthrough, 3hr 18min on my hard playthrough) and wow. easily my GOTY this year. i’m really glad i tried this series out.

i haven’t found any of the shinespark puzzles tougher than the one in zero mission that goes across multiple rooms, or the secret message in fusion. idk if that’s a good thing or a bad thing


Bada bing Bada boom I resurrect this topic from its doom


Wonder what would happen if Optimus Prime was the bounty in Metroid Prime?

since i last posted, i’ve beaten SM/fusion/dread and prime 1-3. i’m finishing up death stranding rn but i bought a physical copy of the remaster. it looks great and i really liked the prime series. i’m glad it turned out to be real after years of rumor lol