Metru-Matoran head articulation

Hi, here is a little mod to give the Metrutoran some head articulation.

The mod is quite simple, and just need some liftarms, 2L axles with pin, a socket and a ball joint.

You can also cover a little the Metrutoran back emptiness with a liftarm and a pin with pin hole.


The sad part is that to achieve a good head articulation, I had to cut a piece to have a 3,5 L axle (it was a bootleg axle). This way they end up being slightly higher than the original build.

Using a 3L axle will leave the head in the same position than the original build, but really limit the head movement to the sides because the head collides with the torso (they need to look up to look to the sides). On the other hand 4L axle give them a neck too long.


Fixed Category


oo nice!


Finally! I’ve always wondered how people were doing this. Thanks for sharing!


ah looks pretty good. Shame about the cut axle though…

Another mods I’ve seen connect the socket to the head and the ball joint to the body, but I find that limit even more the articulation.

Yeah, I don’t know how to make a legal and good connection at half stud


Fair. I’ve found it’s quite annoying to get good head articulation for a metru matoran.

I’m mad at Lego. They could easily have give us head articulation for Metrutoran if only the torso piece had this design (and no need of half stud connection).



Yeah, the single pin hole part at the top is rather restrictive.

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I wonder if it would be feasible to make a neck out of mixel joints that attaches to that top pin hole


It is, but you still have the problem of little articulation or long neck, since they have the same size than an axle